party paddled slowly back to shore, their way lit by the flames of Snorri’s
funeral ship that was burning to the waterline behind them. They’d survived the
undead Snorri and an ambush by ninja, but had little to show for their troubles
but burned fingers and scorched eyebrows. They hadn’t found Ulf, they hadn’t
found Suishen, and they were at a loss for what to do next.
least Marie had managed to score one nice piece of loot from the hold of the
funeral ship. She looked at the gold-plated helmet in her lab, its swept-back
butterfly wings sparkling in the reflected firelight. “I hope this fits,” she
muttered, and slipped it onto her head. Her eyes seemed to glaze over for a few
moments, and her head turned to stare at Nicki.
what’s with the helmet?” Bella asked. “Is it any good?”
seemed to wake from her reverie. “Apparently it’s mine, and I left it here
before,” she said, not quite sounding sure of herself. Everyone turned to look
at her.
squinted down at the cleric. “You mean the helmet you just found in the hold of
Snorri’s funeral ship? You left it
there? When? How?”
![]() |
Helgarval |
shook her head. “I don’t remember. There’s a lot of things I don’t remember.
Anyway, her name is Helgarval, and she says
she’s been waiting for me.” Everyone exchanged worried looks. Finally Sawyer
broke the awkward silence. “Umm … your helmet’s a ‘she’? And ‘she’ talked to you?”
just nodded. “Does she do anything besides talk?” Bella asked carefully. “Oh
yes,” Marie replied, “she protects me from evil.”
laughed. “Well then, you’d better stay away from me!” Marie turned and looked
at him oddly. “That’s funny. That’s exactly what Helgarval told me to do.”
uncomfortable silence followed, and then the group began pointedly talking
about anything other than Marie’s mental state. They knew that Uksahkka would
be waiting for them at the shrine to Shelyn in the Fire Quarter, expecting that
they would have rescued Ulf. They hated to disappoint her yet again, but knew
they had to break the bad news that the guide was still prisoner and they had
no idea where he was being held. They made their way back to Kalsgard and into
the Fire Quarter.
they neared the square containing the shrine, they could hear a loud pounding,
as if a work crew were breaking up stones, although it was much too late for
any construction work. As they rounded the corner, they saw the source of the
noise – an enormous earth elemental was pounding away at the walls of the
shrine, rubble flying everywhere. A robed body lay in the street near its feet,
but it didn’t appear to be Uksahkka. On a rooftop on the opposite side of the
square, the blood-feather raven perched, watching balefully.
immediately grabbed for her bow, intent on bringing down the cursed bird, but
it was too quick; it gave a hoarse croak that almost sounded like a laugh, and
flew off behind the roofline. Bella redirected her aim and fired an arrow at
the earth elemental instead. It struck the creature solidly in the head, but
rebounded off, doing little more than flaking off a chip of stone. Sawyer
charged and swung his longsword. Against any other creature, the blade would
have found its vital organs, but now it merely rang against the thing’s rocky
body, leaving Sawyer’s palms stinging from the impact. Sandoval began singing
as he moved into closer range, and Marie cast a Bless, both realizing that the party was going to need help against
this foe.
pulled out his Metamagic Rod, and cast an Empowered Scorching
Ray. The flames enveloped the creature like a blast furnace, leaving it
glowing and smoking, but it continued battling. Sandoval cast a Sound Burst just behind the thing, but
its sonic impact seemed to have no effect. Shinjiro joined Sawyer in the front
lines, although hitting the thing was literally like punching a stone wall (fortunately,
the monk had done just that as part of his training). The elemental swung its
stony fists at him in retaliation. One connected, and continued on through
Shinjiro to also hit Sawyer standing next to him, and both were staggered.
Luckily Marie was nearby to provide some quick healing. Sawyer swung again, and
again put his all into the blow – he would have sliced a lesser foe in half,
but here he was simply blunting the blade of his sword. Finally Shinjiro
summoned all his powers of concentration and delivered a devastating Flurry of Blows. The elemental staggered
backwards, then crumbled into a pile of dirt and pebbles.
rushed to the body lying in the street. He was an old Tian man in the robes of
a cleric of Shelyn, and he was still alive, though unconscious. Sandoval cast a
Cure Light Wounds, and the man’s eyes
fluttered open. When he realized that the party had not only saved him, but
defeated the elemental that was attacking his shrine, he began thanking them
profusely. He said his name was Yin-Po, and that the
elemental had just appeared out of nowhere and begun attacking the shrine
without warning. Yin-Po had tried to defend his shrine, but he was no match for
the huge creature.
showed him the token that Uksahkka had given them, and the little cleric’s face
brightened. “You’re Uksahkka’s friends! She said you’d be coming, and bringing
someone else to hide with …” His voice trailed off and his face grew pale. “Uksahkka!
I hope she’s all right!” He rushed around to the rear of the shrine. There, in
an alley, a secret door in the back of the shrine stood hanging from its
hinges. It led down into a small cellar and Yin-Po ran down the stairs. Inside
were a pair of cots and a small table and chairs, now toppled over, but other
than that it was empty. “I left Uksahkka here!” he cried. “Someone must have
taken her!”
party examined the room. Lying near the door was a talisman they’d seen before –
an oversized black feather. Shinjiro continued searching, and found a blowgun
dart lying against the far wall. Its tip was coated with a thick blue
substance, but no one in the party had the alchemical skills to identify it. Yin-Po,
however, was skilled with potions. He sniffed and gingerly tasted the paste,
then made a sour face. “It’s blue whinnis poison. It renders the victim
unconscious, so hopefully whoever was here took Uksahkka prisoner instead of
killing her.”
spoke up. “It was the Frozen Shadows.” She nodded at the feather. “That’s their
calling card.” Everyone looked at her curiously – what made her so sure of
this? She ignored their looks and turned to Yin-Po. “Do you know anything about
the Frozen Shadows?”
cleric nodded. “There are rumors in the Jade Quarter that an assassin’s guild
has begun operating in Kalsgard using that name. Indeed, as you say, they mark
their victims by leaving behind a large black feather. No one knows who they
are, although to my shame, it is said they are Tian.”
shook her head. “No, they’re not really a guild, because no one has been able
to hire them. They seem to be working for themselves, or for someone else who’s
calling the shots”
had had enough. “Just how can you know that?” she demanded. “Earlier today none
of us had any idea what the phrase ‘Frozen Shadows’ meant, and now you claim to
know all about them. What’s going on?”
looked embarrassed. “Helgarval told me,” she explained, as Bella rolled her
eyes. “No really,” she said, trying to make the skeptical party believe her. “She
said she’s been … investigating, I guess. She said no one knows why the Frozen
Shadows kill, but many of their assassinations have been to the benefit of the
Rimerunner’s Guild, and there are whispers that the Frozen Shadows may be
working for them. That’s really all I know.”
again the party was left trying to decide whether to believe Marie, whether she
was possessed, or just plain crazy. Before they could choose between exorcism
or straight-jacket, Marie asked Yin-Po if he could perform a Restoration on her. The cleric eagerly
agreed, and even waived his normal fee for the spell, although he said that she
would still have to purchase the 1000 GP worth of diamond dust that the spell
required (and which he conveniently had on hand). The party agreed to chip in
for the cost (crazy or not, they needed Marie’s healing), and Marie soon felt
her lost life-force returning to her.
party returned to the inn. It was late when they got back and the other guests
had all retired, but Ollie and his family were still up, cleaning the inn and
laying out preparations for the morning’s breakfast. He greeted the group
warmly. “How was your day?” They exchanged looks – how to explain what they’d
just been through?
decided to go to Snorri Stone-Eye’s funeral,” Zhustin explained, deciding that
the truth was always best, as long as you didn’t use too much of it. Ollie was
enthusiastic. “Oh, that must have been grand! I heard it was going to be quite
the send-off.” Zhustin nodded. “Yeah – there were a lot more people there than
we expected.”
rest of the group was trying to stifle their laughter, but Ollie was oblivious.
“Did you get anything to eat while you were out?” When they shook their heads,
he looked concerned. “You must be starved. Mama made a wonderful mutton stew
for dinner, and there’s still a pot left in the kitchen. Sit down while we warm
it up for you!” He gave orders to his wife and two children, and soon the party
found big bowls of warm stew and flagons of ale in front of them. They ate
hungrily, but after a few minutes they began to feel cramps in their stomachs
and their fingers and toes began to go numb. Most of the group was merely seized
with cramps, but Sandoval and Zhustin felt paralysis begin to creep up their
limbs. Sandoval managed to shake off the effects of the poison, but Zhustin
continued getting worse, and his lips began to turn blue as he struggled to
breathe. Marie was doing her best to help him, cursing herself for not having Slow Poison or its ilk at the ready.
Ollie was panicked, and sent his wife off to fetch a healer, while his children
sat crying in the corner. Zhustin’s eyes fluttered closed and he sucked in a
last, shallow breath, and there was a long silence while everyone waited to see
he would draw another. Finally, with a hoarse gasp, he began breathing again.
and especially Zhustin still felt numbness and stiffness in their arms and
legs, despite Marie casting a Lesser
Restoration on Zhustin, but the worst had passed. Ollie’s wife arrived with
the “healer”, but Marie took one look at his jar of leeches and satchel of
bleeding knives and sent him on his way. Ollie was horrified at the prospect
that the party could have been poisoned. “We fed all our other guests that
stew. My children ate that
stew!” Ollie and his wife insisted that no one unusual had been in the kitchen
that day, and while the party thoroughly examined the kitchen, they couldn’t
find any evidence of how the poison could have been delivered (once again
hampered by lack of alchemical knowledge). The party finally stumbled up to bed
to the sound of Ollie’s wife throwing out foodstuffs and scrubbing everything
in the kitchen with lye.
they rose the next morning, they began to debate their next course of action.
Some were in favor of setting out immediately for this “Ravenscraeg” place they’d
heard of, reasoning that since it had once been Snorri’s home, it might be
where they’d taken Ulf, Uksahkka, and Suishen.
Unfortunately, they didn’t know where it was, and others in the party weren’t
so convinced that should be their next stop. They were in favor of “reconnoitering”
the Rimerunner’s Guild – perhaps reconnoitering it right down to the foundation
stones. Still others thought that visiting the Rimerunner’s was a good idea,
but that a more stealthy nighttime infiltration would pay more dividends.
to agree on what to do next, they finally decided to pay another visit to Fynn
Snaevald. Perhaps the old trader could give them some more insight into the
history and activities of the Rimerunner’s Guild. And it would be good to bring
him up to date on their search for Suishen.
they made their way across town to Fynn’s home, they came to a bustling market
square, one of many that dotted Kalsgard. It was crowded with merchants and
customers haggling over dry goods, or vegetables, or chickens. Sandoval stopped
to flirt with an attractive young woman who looked very much like one of the
thralls they’d rescued from Asvig's farm (or maybe all these blond Northron women
looked alike to a man used to olive-skinned Varisians). Out of habit, Bella
scanned the crowd for likely marks, while keeping her eyes peeled for any of
the city watch. Zhustin, who was standing near Shinjiro, saw him suddenly
stagger backwards. At first, he thought the barefoot monk had simply stepped in
something unpleasant. Then he saw the black-feathered arrow shaft sprouting
from his chest. Another arrow came whistling through the air, but Shinjiro had
already recovered enough to bat it aside. Zhustin scanned the crowd and the rooftops
for the source of the attack, but saw nothing. Nonetheless, he knew he had to
warn the others. “ASSASSINS!” he screamed.
who was already on the lookout, was the first to notice that not everyone in
the crowd was an innocent shopper. Two men near her drew daggers out of their
belts, and a third dropped the bundle of firewood he was carrying and pulled
out a stout quarterstaff, and all three began to advance on her. Without
waiting to see if they simply intended to protect a poor defenseless waif like
herself, Bella drew her rapier and dagger with a cry and threw herself at the
nearest assailant. He fell beneath the blur of her flashing blades, but more
thugs appeared to join their mates, and she found herself surrounded.
marketplace was in a panic by now as screaming people ran for cover and
merchants debated trying to protect their wares or their skins. However, all
around the square there were some who moved in instead of away, as more thugs
drew weapons and tried to isolate and attack the party members. Marie was
moving to try to heal Shinjiro, with a thug in hot pursuit. They both reached
the monk at the same time, and Shinjiro took him down before he could strike
the cleric. Marie administered healing, but another arrow from the unseen
sniper struck the monk, undoing her work. Sandoval began singing as he twirled
his echoblade and readied himself to receive the thugs who were closing on him.
Nicki and Zhustin both fired off Magic
Missiles at their attackers as they bobbed and weaved among the market
stalls, trying to avoid their pursuit and make themselves more difficult
targets for the sniper. Everyone was scanning the rooftops, but there was no sign
of the deadly bowman.
cast a Prayer just as another pair of
arrows zeroed in on Shinjiro. He batted one aside, but the struck home. On the other side of the market, Bella had killed another of her
assailants, and backed in between two carts, forcing her attackers to come at
her from only one direction, and she began to thin them out, although some of
their attacks were finding their mark. Nicki cast a Flaming Sphere, and it engulfed a thug who was charging at him. He
screamed horribly as he tried to escape it, but Nicki directed it to follow him,
and he fell, burning. Unfortunately, some of the market stalls that the sphere
had passed over were also now in flames.
sniper had apparently grown frustrated by seeing Shinjiro flick her arrows aside,
because she now switched her target to Marie. In quick succession, a pair of
arrows buried themselves in the cleric, and she found she needed to focus her
healing powers on herself. However, the sniper finally revealed herself;
several of the party spotted a woman with a longbow crouched on a roof in the
southeast corner of the square. Shinjiro took off at a run for the sniper’s
building and then launched himself into the air.
who had seen the monk’s pathetic attempt to grapple the flying Decapus in the
cavern beneath Brinewall Castle winced as they prepared to see him smack into
the building’s wall. But Shinjiro had been practicing and meditating, honing
his skills and his concentration. He called upon his ki force, and soared through the air, turning two somersaults
before landing directly beside the shocked sniper. She dropped her bow and drew
a short sword, but Shinjiro easily dodged her attack. He gathered his breath,
and struck her in the center of the chest with a Stunning Fist. Her sword clattered from her nerveless fingers as
she stood immobile before the monk. Without hesitation, Shinjiro pulled the
sash from around his waist and securely bound her. On the ground, all the thugs
had fallen. The sniper was their prisoner; what would she be able to tell them?
PCs earned 2,678 XP for their exploits, putting them at 19,219 XP with 23,000
required for level 6. We’ll be back at Leo’s next Sunday, but Scott will not be
there; he’ll give his latest character sheet to Roger.
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