intrepid adventurers were in the midst of fighting the elusive quickling, Buttersnips, but so far
she’d been too quick for them. The only time they could see her was when she
would zip past them with her poisoned sword. Bella had been briefly poisoned
but quickly recovered, but Zhustin was still suffering from the poison’s
weakening effects. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Shinjiro were in the throne room,
guarding against the return of the troglodytes they’d chased down into the
dungeons, while Marie did some exploring. Oh, and Nicki had set Ameiko’s castle
on fire, ostensibly in an attempt to flush out Buttersnips, but more likely
just because he just enjoyed watching things burn.
and Nicki began to anticipate Buttersnips’ hit-and-run tactics, and they tensed
in readiness for her next appearance. She didn’t keep them waiting long – she reappeared
in the spot where she’d vanished, flitted around the columns to strike at
Sandoval, then buzzed out of the ballroom into the throne room, where she
immediately disappeared. Zhustin grazed her with an Acid Bolt, while Nicki tried a Color
Spray, but it had no effect on her. Sandoval felt himself weakened from her
tainted blade, but soon shook off the poison’s effects. However Zhustin still felt
himself growing weaker and weaker.
in the throne room, Sawyer caught a glimpse of the quickling’s blurred form
just before she disappeared. He swung wildly at the spot where she’d been, but
didn’t connect with anything. Sandoval rushed forward and tossed his net,
hoping to trap her at least long enough to reveal her position, but it fell to
the floor, empty. Zhustin and Nicki cocked their fingers in anticipation, and
just as she appeared again, they both unleashed Magic Missiles before she could dart out of sight, and her tiny body
fluttered lifelessly to the ground.
in Buttersnips’ parlor, the flames were threatening to burn out of control, and
the party remembered that directly above it was the ruined solarium, with its
tangle of broken rafters and tinder-dry canvas roof. If the fire spread to it,
the entire castle might go up in flames. Since it was, technically, Ameiko’s
property, they felt bad about destroying it (at least everyone but Nicki), so
most of them turned their attention to extinguishing the fire. Their experience
fighting the fire at the Riverside Inn came back to them quickly: Zhustin stood
at the doorway casting Ray of Frost while
Bella, Shinjiro, and Sandoval scavenged some pails from the storerooms to form
a bucket brigade, hauling water from the stagnant pool in the garden just
outside. Nicki even pitched in, running into the smoke-filled room to try to
clear away some of the exhibits that hadn’t yet started to burn. Zhustin began
to feel light-headed from the poison, but he fought bravely on; luckily the
poison wore off just before he fell unconscious. Ultimately, they succeeded in
extinguishing the flames, and the smoke began to clear. Zhustin noticed that
the smoke in the hallway seemed to be flowing out between the very stones
themselves; Bella investigated, and discovered a pair of secret doors, one
leading into the garden and the other into the courtyard.
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Muthildah |
hadn’t joined in their efforts; she’d continued exploring. A short hallway with
a pair of doors led off from the throne room. One door led into an empty
washroom/latrine that didn’t appear to have been used since the castle was
overthrown. The other opened into what had been the castle’s kennels. It now
appeared to be home to the ogrekin. They’d killed two of them earlier, but
there was still one left: a corpulent female named Muthildah. As soon as
the door opened, she charged, hitting Marie hard with her flail and spiked
gauntlet. Sawyer saw Marie stagger back, blood flying, and charged down the
hallway to help. Marie managed to quaff a healing potion as she parried the
ogrekin’s blows with her mace. Muthildah was a more effective fighter than
either of her brothers had been, but she was still no match for Sawyer and
Marie together, and she soon joined them in wherever it is that ogrekin go when
they die.
the party caught their breath, they remembered that their original plan had
been to leave the castle and return to their friends in the caravan. Deciding
that might not have been such a bad idea after all, they took the secret door
into the courtyard, pausing just long enough to loot Zaiobe’s body and for
Marie to do some quick healing and cast a Lesser
Restoration to give Zhustin some of his strength back. Then they headed for the gate. As they reached it, the doors to the stables opened, and
a tall figure strode out. It was roughly humanoid, but had a head with too many
eyes and mandibles like a spider’s. “Oi!” it called, its speech garbled in the
passage through the mandibles. “What’re you doing ‘ere? You ain’t no business ‘ere!”
From the stable behind it, a giant hunting spider emerged, and the two charged the
party. Sawyer tried to get off a quick arrow before they engaged, but the shot
went wild, and he was quickly face-to-face
with the ettercap, Flatbelly. It snapped
at him with its jaws, and up close the fighter could see they were dripping
with poison. Luckily they missed. His pet spider stopped short of the party, and
shot out a web that entangled Sawyer in its sticky strands. Despite its encumbrance
he could still fight, and he continued swinging. Shinjiro joined him, and
landed a powerful flurry of blows on the ettercap, who responded by gouging the
monk with his claws. Bella fired an arrow at the spider; it struck directly in
the center of the beast’s cluster of eyes, and it rolled over dead, legs twitching.
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Flatbelly |
ettercap was badly wounded by now, and Sandoval trapped it in his net. Nicki
only made things worse with another Acid
Splash. “Do you want to surrender?” the sorcerer asked (to the astonishment
of his comrades). “Yes! Yes!” the ettercap squealed pitifully. “Please don’t
kill me!” But before anyone else could move, Marie stepped forward and jabbed
it with her Wand of Inflict Moderate
Wounds. His eyes (all eight of them) went wide with surprise and then
dimmed. Everyone stared in shocked silence at the cleric, who strode grimly
away, not choosing to explain her actions.
the party finally made good on their plan to leave the castle, making sure to
leave the gate open behind them. As they made their way through the ruined
village, Spivey flew out from
the cemetery to greet them. “I’m so glad to see you again! I was so worried
when you didn’t come back yesterday.” The party filled her in on what had
happened in the castle, and she cast a Lesser
Restoration of her own on Bella. Nicki invited her to join them on the trip
back to the caravan, and she gladly accepted, eager to meet still more new
they finally reached the caravan, Sandru and Koya were equally relieved to see
them; they too had feared the worst. Unfortunately, Ameiko still languished in
her coma. Spivey examined her, then shook her head with a frown. “This coma is
clearly of magical origin, but I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I think
there is some powerful lawful force possessing her, but I don’t know what it is
or what to do about it.” Ameiko began to mutter incoherently again, then
whispered, “A key you seek lies in the
grip of the ten-handed one—his fear is your greatest ally...” Then she
lapsed back into unconsciousness.
a night’s rest, the group decided that curing Ameiko must have something to do
with some as-yet undiscovered secret in Castle Brinewall. They fashioned a
litter to carry the unconscious woman back to the castle with them, but as they
started to move her closer, she began to thrash and shriek as if in intense
pain. Thinking that perhaps she’d revive if they took her away from the castle,
they tried that, too, but got the same result. After that, Sandru and Koya were
insistent that Ameiko had to stay where she was, and that they would continue
to watch over her. Nicki invited Spivey to join them in their return to the
castle, and she immediately agreed; the lyrakien seemed eager for any
excitement after her years of tending the deserted graveyard.
castle’s gates were open as they’d left them the day before, and no one but
flies had disturbed the dead bodies in the courtyard. Once inside the throne
room, they debated what to do next. They knew of at least three different sets
of stairs leading down; should they take the ones that the troglodytes had
used, even though they might be waiting in ambush at the bottom, or should they
take a different set, hoping to get surprise themselves? The debate didn’t last
long – straightforward frontal assault was more their style.
moved into the room through which the trogs had fled. This might have once been
used as a meeting or planning room for the master of the castle. A large table
lay in shambles in the middle of this room, with a litter of old papers drifted
in the corners of the room. Crumbled suits of armor bearing decorations of
dragons twisting around castle towers lay in rusted heaps along the walls. One
set of stairs curved up along one wall to the tower study upstairs, while
another led down to the lower levels. There was a closed door in the west wall,
and another to the northeast.
pulled open the western door. A large number of ruined bunks had been heaped into
a crude nest on the far side of the room. In the nest crouched a huge monitor
lizard. It was in the process of shedding its skin, and flaps of dried skin
hung down over its face, giving it an even more ferocious appearance. It hissed
angrily and began to charge. Marie hastily slammed the door shut. She heard it
thump against the door, but fortunately it had no means of opening it.
opened the other door. A moldy pile of mattresses, probably from the bunks in
the other room, had been heaped together near the northern wall. An
eye-watering reptilian stink caused the rogue to gag as she opened the door: a
pair of troglodytes slept, snoring softly, on the mattresses. Holding her
breath, Bella crept into the room, and slit the throat of one of the sleeping
creatures. Its gurgling death rattle woke its comrade, but Bella and Shinjiro finished
it off before it could even get to its feet. Bella began searching the room.
She spotted a secret door leading out into the throne room. Underneath the
mattresses, she found a surprise: a bejeweled silk gown set with pearls and in remarkably
clean condition. Whether the troglodytes considered this a treasure worth
hiding beneath the mattresses, or if it was just extra padding to them was
impossible to say.
in the briefing room, Sandoval had been going through the papers on the floor.
They appeared to be documents, maps, and troop lists dating back to the night
Brinewall was attacked. From what he could piece together, the guards believed
that the citizens of the village below were rioting, and that several of the
buildings had caught on fire. They were preparing to mount an expedition to
investigate and bring order, but there was no indication of their success or
at last explored all the rooms on the ground floor, everyone headed down the
stairs. They descended steeply, turning at a landing before ending at a closed
door. Taking a deep breath, Sawyer pushed the door open. Inside was a large
room that had once been the mess hall for the castle’s guards and servants. Long
benches in various states of disrepair and several battered and filthy wooden
tables stood between stone pillars that supported the low ceiling. He found
himself gagging at the stench of three troglodytes that crouched in the
southeast corner of the room. Shinjiro and Bella pushed past him to rush forward
to attack the trogs, who held their ground. They too had to struggle not to
vomit from the stink. Two of the trogs quickly went down, but then a pair of
double doors in the north end of the room flew open, and four more troglodytes
ran into the room. Two engaged Sawyer, while the other two held back and threw
javelins at Bella and Zhustin. A moment later, a door to the east opened, and
another pair of troglodytes charged in to all but surround Sawyer. Behind them
was a larger trog, swinging a nasty looking morningstar. It seemed that those who had feared an ambush had been right.
Sawyer’s shouted objections, Marie stepped forward to engage the leader, who
promptly bashed her with his morningstar. Sawyer returned the favor, and Nicki
hit him with a Daze spell. Sawyer hit
him again as he stood there stunned, and he went down with a thud.
rest of the battle was no contest. Although by this time almost everyone was Sickened by their stench, the trogs were
all but unable to hit the well-armored Sawyer. Spivey and Nicki continued
using Daze on them as the rest of the
party mopped them up. Finally the last troglodyte fell, and everyone stood
gasping and retching, wondering what else the dungeons of Brinewall had in
PCs gained 1114 XP for their efforts, putting them at 8598 XP with 9000
required for level 4. Everyone should start preparing their 4th
level characters, as its likely you’ll reach that by the end of the next
session. We won’t meet next Sunday, but will resume again at Rich and Joette’s
on 6/22.
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