party awoke still hardly believing what they had learned yesterday. Their
friend, Ameiko Kaijitsu, who they’d
always known as a somewhat rowdy former adventurer and innkeeper, was, in fact,
the last surviving heir to the Jade Throne of Minkai! They were now setting off
for the city of Kalsgard, deep in the
Land of the Linnorm Kings, to help her recover her family’s ancestral sword and
possibly secure passage across the Crown of the World to the fabled Empire of
caravan trundled off for the north with two new passengers. When Kelda Oxgutter
learned the party’s destination was Kalsgard, she asked them if she could
accompany them back to her home, and promised a reward for her rescue when they
arrived. Spivey had also shyly approached Marie. “I have spent decades caring
for the cemetery of Brinewall Village, but it’s better to protect the living
than the dead. I feel drawn to travel with you for some reason, as if it is
Desna’s will.” Marie looked at her oddly and opened her mouth as if to speak,
but then paused and her thought went unspoken. Instead, she simply nodded. “We
would be delighted with your company,” was all she said.
party traveled north through uncharted (at least for them) territory. Sandru
had never led a caravan this far north, beyond the borders of Varisia, and even
Brinewall had been farther north than any of them had ever traveled. They
passed through a broad plain beyond the northwestern-most reaches of the Kodar
Mountains. The sky was overcast most days, and the nights were damp and cold.
They built the fire a little larger each night, trying to chase away the chill.
days after they left Brinewall, a dense fog rolled in around sunset. By the
time they’d finished supper, it was difficult to see the wagons on the opposite
side of the encampment, despite a roaring fire. They set watches, as they
always did, and everyone settled in for another chilly sleep.
after midnight, in the midst of the second watch, Shinjiro’s sharp ears picked
up a sound that shouldn’t be there. It sounded as if something were moving
boxes in one of the wagons. He quietly alerted Bella, who was also on watch,
and they crept around opposite ends of the wagon. There they surprised a band
of brigands, who had snuck up to the camp using the fog as cover, and were
stealthily unloading crates from one of the wagons. Bella shouted an alert, and
she and Shinjiro leaped to the attack. Shinjiro quickly dropped one thug with a
flurry of blows, but one of the others tossed a small sack at him. It burst as
it struck, unleashing a glob of tar, resin, and other sticky substances that
coated the monk and then became tough and resilient upon exposure to air,
thoroughly entangling him. Another of the thieves tossed a small clay sphere
over the wagon towards the fire. It burst with a deafening bang that left Kelda
completely deafened, and dispelled any possibility that any of the party might
still be sleeping.
they struggled out of their bedrolls, the party found their ability to
counterattack limited by the thick fog. Nicki spotted a dim figure off in the mist,
and summoned a Flaming Sphere to roll
in its direction. Luckily, it was one of the brigands, and he was soon blazing
brightly, providing some much-needed additional illumination. Sandru leaped
atop one of the wagons, furious that anyone would try to steal from his
caravan. He fired off a quick shot from his shortbow, and despite the poor
visibility buried his arrow directly in the eye of one of the thieves. Then he
leaped down and charged another, slicing his head clean off with a single blow
of his sword. But before the enraged caravan master could do any more damage,
one of the remaining brigands hit him with one of the Tanglefoot Bags, and he
found his feet firmly glued to the ground.
brigands realized they were overmatched, and tried to flee. Spivey flew after
one, and cast a Confusion spell on
it, and it stood there babbling incoherently until Bella arrived to finish it
off. Sandoval and Zhustin chased down the last fleeing thief, and he too fell
to their blades. Shinjiro and Sandru managed to scrape the goo off of
themselves, and Sandru spent the rest of a sleepless night patrolling around
the caravan.
next several days passed uneventfully, although there was no break in the
weather. The plains gave way to the eaves of the Grungir Forest. A cold drizzle
started falling before dawn, ensuring everyone was cold and miserable. The
thick overhanging branches only blocked out light without seeming to do
anything to lessen the rainfall.
![]() |
Moss Troll |
three enormous creatures dropped down from the upper canopy, grasping the lower
branches and swinging from tree to tree with ease. They seemed to be covered
with moss and bits of foliage, and had long toothy snouts and incredibly long
arms ending in razor sharp claws. Marie thought they looked like some species
of troll, but there was little time for classification as the creatures swung
to the attack. Their freakishly long arms allowed them to swipe at people on
the ground without coming down into melee range.
was attacking Sandoval, and although he, Sawyer, and Sandru were peppering it
with arrows, its wounds seemed to be healing right before their eyes. Another
swung at Nicki. He knew that fire was the best way to deal with trolls, so he
summoned another of his Flaming Spheres;
it rolled to the trunk of the moss troll’s tree, then bounced up into the air.
It failed to burn the beast, but the troll seemed terrified of the flames.
Screeching, it swung through the branches to the opposite side of the road.
Unfortunately, Nicki couldn’t send the sphere after it without torching one of
the wagons or Marie, so he reluctantly dismissed it.
third troll took a swing at Zhustin, who responded by zapping it with a Color Spray, stunning and blinding it
for several rounds and taking it out of the fight. The troll attacking Sandoval
also seemed unnerved by Nicki’s flames, and it leaped farther north, away from
the flames, and then attacked Koya. The old woman tumbled off her wagon seat
and cowered beneath the wagon. Sawyer hit it with another arrow, and the troll
tumbled to the ground, apparently dead.
troll that had fled Nicki’s fire now was attacking Bella. The rogue took a cue
from the brigands who had attacked a few nights before, and flung one of their
Tanglefoot Bags at the beast, who found itself glued to the tree. She followed
up with one of her flasks of Alchemist’s
Fire, and Zhustin helped out with an Acid
Dart, and the creature was soon a smouldering lump glued to the branches.
before the party could relax, the troll that Sawyer thought he’d killed stood
back up! Apparently it’s regeneration continued even after it was “dead”.
However, now it was a target on the ground, and Kelda gleefully charged,
bloodlust in her eyes. Half the party was splattered with troll’s blood by her
blow, and the troll didn’t get up again. That just left the stunned troll, and
he didn’t stand a chance. Sandoval used his Wand
of Scorching Ray to finish him off.
party searched the trolls, but although they were clad in crude (and now badly
burned) clothing and wore simple bone necklaces, they had no other possessions.
But the mere fact that they had clothing at all made the party wonder if they
might have a lair nearby. Since Spivey could fly, she was sent out to scout the
nearby vicinity.
PCs earned 772 XP for their exploits, and are now 10,084 XP, with 15,000
required for level 5. We’ll be at Leo’s next week.
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