do you think they know we’re here?” Everyone turned to look at Zhustin. Their
ears were still ringing from the concussion of repeated Fireballs, and the aroma of scorched oni wafted up the open
stairwells. “No,” Sandoval replied sarcastically, “I’m sure we’ll catch them
totally by surprise.”
Marie began doling out healing, Nicki rounded the corner, followed closely by a
Typhoon Guard. The pair found themselves surrounded by a wall of pointy steel,
but Nicki waved his hands frantically. “It’s OK! He’s with me!” As the group
warily lowered their weapons, Nicki smiled. “Let me introduce you to my new
friend. I can’t pronounce his real name, so I’m calling him ‘Roscoe’. Right
Roscoe?” The Dominated Typhoon Guard
nodded obediently. Nicki continued. “Roscoe here is going to tell us everything
he knows about the throne room.”
everyone listened eagerly, ‘Roscoe’ described the upper level in
heavily-accented Tien. “The throne room is directly above us. These two
stairways lead up to that level, and open into side corridors. The only entrance
to the throne room is a doorway directly between them, accessed from the front
corridor of the level.”
big is the throne room?” Nicki asked, mentally calculating blast radii. “It’s
about half the size of this floor,” Roscoe answered dutifully. “Above this
level, the castle is divided into two halves. The front half is the throne
room, and above that, the royal apartments; The upper stories of the back half are
servants’ quarters, and there is no access between the two parts of the castle
above this level.”
up there?” asked Sawyer. Roscoe looked to Nicki for permission before
answering. “The Jade Regent spends most of
his time in the throne room. He’s always accompanied by our leader, his grandfather
Anamurumon, and his consort,
the oracle Renshii Meida. Often, they are also joined by
the royal assassin, a Tengu known as The Raven
group knew there was little chance those upstairs hadn’t heard the recent
battle, but they also knew they were going to be facing their most dangerous
enemies to date, and rushing into battle unprepared wouldn’t be wise. As they
huddled to discuss strategy, Nicki and Roscoe began dragging the bodies of the
ogre magi and Typhoon Guards into a cluster. Then Nicki started casting
spells, and everyone stared in horror as the flesh melted off the oni corpses,
and the still-bloody skeletons rose shakily to their feet. Soon Nicki had a
small private army: five huge ogre mage skeletons, a pair of human-sized
Typhoon Guard skeletons, and of course, Roscoe.
suddenly remembered the captives being held in the next room. “We should set
the women being held hostage free,” she said, and started for the nearest door.
“Wait!” a voice cried. It was the geisha Harumi, who had aided them during
their combat with the oni. “Some of the women in there are not women at all,
but creatures who have taken human form to mingle with the prisoners, spying on
them and hoping to learn the location of the Princess.” Marie turned away from
the door. “Maybe we should just leave them locked up a little while longer
someone invisible should sneak upstairs and scout things out,” Zhustin suggested,
and all eyes turned to Bella. She sighed, but nodded. Zhustin prepared to cast Greater Invisibility on the rogue, but
she suddenly stopped him. “Your Invisibility
Purge isn’t still running, is it?” she asked Sawyer, and the fighter shook
his head. “And can we agree you won’t turn it on unless we really need it?” He
agreed, and she let Zhustin cast his spell, while swallowing a potion of Barkskin and the Spirit Elixir they’d gotten from Emperor Shigure’s ghost. She
started up the western staircase, and paused halfway up. If there wasn’t going
to be an Invisibility Purge running, maybe
she’d better make sure she could see anyone who didn’t want to be seen.
Reaching into her Handy Haversack,
she quickly gulped a potion of See
Invisible and continued up the stairs.
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The Raven Prince |
stairs opened into a north-south corridor. The walls were hung with rich
tapestries and punctuated by alcoves containing beautiful artwork, pottery, or
sculptures. Just to her right, the corridor turned, presumably leading to the
entrance to the throne room. To her left however, she saw a shadowy figure
lurking in one of the alcoves. It looked like a giant raven, and was clad in a
ninja’s black shinobi shozoku, although it also had a brightly-colored cloak
thrown over its shoulders. It could only be the assassin she’d heard about, the
so-called Raven Prince. Although he was tucked back into an alcove, the
assassin made no effort to hide himself, apparently confident that his
invisibility was camouflage enough. He was also staring directly at Bella,
despite her own invisibility. Bella’s heart skipped a beat, but she mustered
all her self-control and forced her eyes to sweep across the assassin’s hiding
spot without betraying that she’d spotted him. Then she slipped around the
was in another corridor, with a single open doorway puncturing its southern
wall. She crept to the doorway and listened, but heard nothing. She didn’t risk
poking her head around the wall to peek in; if anyone inside could also see
invisible, she didn’t want to reveal her presence. She crept back to the
corner, and steeled herself for possible ambush by the Raven Prince. But the
assassin was still in the spot she’d last seen him, and she descended the
stairs without looking directly at him.
downstairs, she motioned for everyone to be quiet, then quickly mounted the
eastern stairs. A quick scan showed no invisible threats in the corridor on
this side, so she returned and gathered the party around her. In hushed tones,
she described what she’d found, including the invisible assassin waiting in
ambush. “I think we should go up the eastern stairs,” she suggested, “but Nicki
and his army can go up the west. They can keep the assassin bottled up over
there while we go to the throne room.”
prepared to move out, but Nicki stopped them. He looked at Ameiko. “I think
this is going to be very dangerous for the Princess,” he said. “I think it
might be better if we had a decoy.” He turned to Roscoe. “Can you make yourself
look like her?” The Typhoon Guard studied Ameiko for a moment, and then his
features changed. Roscoe was a kuwa oni, a natural shapeshifter, and within
seconds he looked uncannily like Ameiko. Her close friends could tell them
apart, if they looked closely, but from a distance they were indistinguishable.
“Now let’s complete the con,” Bella said, and handed Ameiko a Potion of Disguise. The Princess downed
the potion, and seconds later, she looked like any one of the Typhoon Guards. A
quick change of her armor for one of the dead guard’s armor, and the disguise was
was finally time to move. Marie cast See
Invisible on Shinjiro as Sawyer activated the same power from Suishen.
Zhustin cast Haste on the assembled
group, and they started their move. Nicki’s army went first; three of his huge
ogre mage skeletons blocked the Raven Prince’s corridor, and the other two went
around to the right, blocking that corridor as well. Nicki and the faux-Ameiko
followed, with his two smaller skeletons as a rear-guard.
the rest of the group filed quietly up the eastern stairs. Sawyer and Shinjiro
made their way to the open throne room doorway, and pressed themselves against
the wall, ready to dash in. Sandoval took up position across the hall and a
ways back from them, clearing his throat. Bella followed close behind, her bow
in hand. Marie was next. She saw the open doorway, and thought she would dart
across to position herself on the far side. By the time Sawyer realized what
she was doing, it was too late to stop her.
Marie passed the open doorway, she looked inside. An ornate carpet led to a
dais holding a massive throne, carved entirely from jade. A man in elaborate,
jade-colored samurai armor sat upon the throne. Another distinguished-looking
man in silk robes stood in the middle of the room. A woman stood at the foot of
the throne, clad in a beautiful kimono decorated with cherry blossoms and
flying cranes, her hands folded over her abdomen. All three were staring
straight at the doorway. As Marie crossed, the woman smiled.
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Renshii Meida |
Marie suddenly found herself in an endless orchard of cherry trees. She spun
around, but the trees, heavy with blossoms, extended as far as the eye could
see in every direction. She began running, but the windblown blossoms formed a
wall in front of her, forcing her to turn to her left. Another wall of flowers
shunted her right and then left again. Overhead, a never-ending flock of cranes
flew silently through the sky.
in the castle, the party saw Marie simply vanish into thin air halfway across
the doorway. Sawyer stood staring open-mouthed, but Sandoval reacted instantly.
“Shit! Go! Go! Go!” he cried. Zhustin was just rounding the corner; he had no
idea what had happened, didn’t even know Marie was gone, but he knew the time
for action had come. He instantly Summoned
three large Air Elementals in
front of the open doorway. “Attack the Jade Regent!” he shouted, and the
Elementals obediently shot through the doorway. Unfortunately, not being
terribly bright, they had no idea who this “Jade Regent” character might be, so
they indiscriminately attacked whoever they saw; two went after the old man and
one went after the Renshii Meida, but all missed.
flew into the room. As soon as she passed through the doorway, she became aware
of how windy it was inside the room; perhaps Zhustin’s elementals were really
stirring things up. The old man didn’t seem to notice her as she flew in, although
Renshii Meida immediately pointed at her and began saying something in a
language Bella didn’t understand. Hoping to get surprise on the old man, Bella
raised the Daikyu of Commanding Presence
and took aim. The bow, the ancestral weapon of the Higashiyama family, seemed
to come alive in her hands, pulsing and throbbing with palpable hatred for the
creature that had wiped out its bloodline. The arrow leapt from the bowstring
with such force that Bella was almost thrown backwards. Despite the winds that
howled around the old man, the arrow continued true, but at the last second the
old man whirled with inhuman speed and batted the shaft away.
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Anamurumon |
old man transformed. In place of a venerable old man, a giant Wind Yai stood,
its hair whipped by the winds that swirled around it. He wielded an ornate
three-part sansetsukon that crackled with electricity. This was Anamurumon, leader of the
Five Storms, and Bella was left shaken by the realization that she was going
toe-to-toe with him - alone. With a howl like an approaching tornado, he lashed
out at the spot where the arrow had originated from, but Bella’s invisibility
gave her just enough cover to dodge his blows. Renshii Meida had no trouble
seeing the rogue, however, and she cast Destruction
on her, threatening to consume her totally in unholy flame, but Bella
resisted the worst of the spell’s damage.
the corridor outside, Nicki was peering nervously around the corner, towards
where Bella had said the invisible assassin was lurking. He saw a sudden puff
of smoke from one of the alcoves two-thirds of the way down the hall, then the
faux-Ameiko behind him gave a cry of pain. Nicki spun to see blood spurting
from Roscoe’s back. “He’s in the corner!” Sawyer cried, just before he dashed
into the room. Nicki was suddenly far too close to the assassin for comfort. “Run
for it!” he commanded Roscoe, who obeyed, but the assassin got another backstab
as ‘she’ fled. “You two – attack whatever’s in the corner!” Nicki commanded his
two smaller skeletons. “Everyone else – into the throne room!” The giant
skeletons obeyed, dashing with magical Haste
into the throne room, where they formed a solid wall of bone from one side of
the room to the other. Nicki hadn’t expected his minions would do much besides
keep the invisible assassin occupied, but as he followed his army, he heard the
solid thwacks of sword against flesh. He spun into the throne room, pulled up
short behind his wall of minions, and fired off a volley of Magic Missiles against Meida. Sandoval
was already singing, and he cast Song of
Discord on the area of the throne. The Jade Regent seemed unaffected, but
Renshii Meida’s eyes crossed, and then a look of fury crossed her face.
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The Jade Regent |
had charged into the room, and set his sights on the Jade Regent. As he dashed
past Anamurumon, the oni lashed out with his huge sanetsukon, and delivered a
punishing blow against the big fighter, but Sawyer ignored the pain. He charged
up the dais, and swept Suishen in a blow that would have opened the guts of a
lesser foe. But the Jade Regent called upon his samurai resolve, and what might
have been a mortal blow became instead a merely painful one. He retaliated with
his own katana, light flashing from its blade as it pierced Sawyer’s armor.
followed Sawyer into the room, but charged Anamurumon instead, but the huge oni
easily evaded his blow. Zhustin moved in next to Nicki, and cast Mass Cat’s Grace, hoping to give Bella
and Shinjiro an added edge. Bella kept shooting, shifting position as she fired
to keep Anamurumon guessing as to her location. The ancestral bow seemed to be
screaming with rage inside her head, and each arrow launched with incredible
force. Anamurumon failed to bat the first aside, and it sank deep into his chest. Two
more followed, before the fourth was blown off course by his Cloak of Winds.
then Roscoe stumbled into the room, still bleeding heavily from his encounter
with the assassin. Anamurumon spotted him, disguised as Ameiko, and a smile of
triumph spread across his face. He pointed a finger, and a blast of Chain Lightning lashed at the pretend
princess, striking him and then branching to hit Nicki, Zhustin, Shinjiro and
several of the skeletons. One skeleton collapsed, and before anyone could
react, the oni followed up with a Quickened
Shout that hammered the same group with a wave of sonic energy; another
skeleton fell. Anamurumon then lashed out with his sanetsukon, slamming
Shinjiro nearly to the floor, and finally turned and fired a ball of
electricity from his third eye at Sawyer. The fighter’s metal armor seemed to
amplify the charge, and he was left buzzing and light-headed.
amazingly, was still on his feet. He staggered behind a column, drew his bow,
and fired an arrow that sank into the Jade Regent’s thigh. Sandoval tried
casting Suffocate on Anamurumon, but
the spell had no effect. Renshii Meida, her eyes glazed with rage from Sandoval’s
spell, looked around for the nearest thing to lash out at, and Sawyer was at
her side. She took a step back, then called down a Flame Strike on the fighter, leaving him half-cooked and grateful
for his Ring of Fire Resistance. Then
there was a cry of “Charge!” from the far side of the room, followed by the clatter
of bony feet on marble floor. In seconds, Meida was surrounded by Nicki’s
surviving ogre mage skeletons, who proceeded to pummel her mercililessly. “Say
hello to my dad!” Nicki cried, and a gout of Hellfire sprang up around the oracle and the Jade Regent. The Jade
Regent was unscathed, but Meida collapsed in a smoking heap. As she fell, Marie
suddenly reappeared outside the doorway where she had vanished, looking around
in confusion at her sudden change in surroundings.
additional XP this week, but if you survive, you should complete this adventure
path next week. We’ll be at Rich and Joette’s, and everyone should be present (virtually)
and accounted for.
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