now what?” Zhustin was looking over the bodies of the dead hydrodaemons, and
staring out over the dark waters of the subterranean lake. Much of this level
of the Well of Demons was still unexplored, and every new cave seemed to hold
new terrors. They could see a cave mouth in the wall of the cavern opposite
them, and another atop some cliffs just to their south. Far to the south,
beyond another pair of islands, they could see a broad beach with a large open
area beyond it, but any more detail was lost in the darkness.
flew out over the islands, and reported back that they were (apparently)
barren. Taking advantage of the Water
Walking that Marie had cast during the hydrodaemon battle, they began
island-hopping across the lake to the opening on the opposite side. As they
crossed, Nicki flew up and peeked into the cave atop the cliffs; it wound away
off to the south, and nothing tried to ambush him, so he flew back to rejoin
the others. Once across, they cautiously explored the new cave system. It led
back through a series of chambers to the north, with high ledges to the west,
but held nothing of interest or danger.
group decided to move on to the far southern end of the great cavern. Marie’s Water Walking had expired by now, so they crossed the polluted water through a combination of flying and Zhustin’s Dimension Door. The southern end of the
lake ended in a broad beach, stretching across the entire width of the cavern.
The cavern’s ceiling dropped down here and was supported by irregular columns
of rock. The wide grotto was empty, but a narrow passage led off to the west
group moved to the west, and Bella proceeded up the passage. It opened into
another cave, and she peeked around the corner. The long cavern was deathly
silent. To the north, a wall of eldritch blue light flickered, stretching from
floor to ceiling. Although the wall of light looked like it should crackle and
hiss with arcane power, it made not a sound. Standing before it, their shadows
wavering eerily before them from the mysterious wall, were a pair of ominous
figures. One was a tall skeletal figure wearing a black kimono, long horns
curving from its skull. In front of him was a creature that looked like a
bipedal lobster, with enormous pincers at the end of its arms, and an array of
tentacles below its mouth.
![]() |
Sugimatu Nobinoru |
there was no hope of surprise, the rest of the party moved into the room,
staying at the far end away from the frightening figures. Bella, at the front,
once again found herself playing party spokesperson. “We come seeking royal
blessings,” she said, and felt a surge of pride as the figure bowed again –
apparently she’d said the right thing.
am Sugimatu Nobinoru, son of
Sugimatu Taro, once Emperor of Minkai,” the figure in black said, rising from
his bow. He motioned to the over-sized lobster. “This is my majordomo Ikku.
Whom do I have the honor of welcoming to my domain?”
by one, the others bowed and introduced themselves formally. All identified
themselves as scions of House Amatatsu, save for Bella. “I’m nobody important,”
she said. She couldn’t have said why, but she was wary of giving her true name
to this creature. Then Ameiko stepped forward and introduced herself, stating
her history and her mission as she had so many times in recent months. “I seek your
noble blessing,” she concluded with a formal bow, “so that I may take my place
on the Jade Throne as my ancestors before me.”
had immediately recognized Nobinoru as a Thanadaemon, and its minion as a
Piscodaemon. She also noted that, unlike the other imperial ancestor spirits
they’d encountered, this one had made no attempt to mask its cave with
illusions of imperial splendor, or to disguise its true nature.
bowed deeply again to Ameiko. “It is indeed an honor to welcome you, Princess,
and I would be happy to see you take your rightful place on the Jade Throne.
Too long it has suffered the presence of a vile usurper. I will gladly offer
you my blessing. I have but one small request in return. I ask that you,
any of
you,” he opened his arms, the gesture encompassing the entire party, “simply
allow me to have just a tiny piece of your soul.”
was taken aback, but Nobinoru continued. “I assure you, you will suffer no
lasting effect from your gift. Perhaps a temporary weakness, but that should
pass within a day, or with a simple Restoration
spell. And this gift will not obligate you to me in any way, either in life
or in death.”
one quite knew what to make of this request. Zhustin, guessing how things would
end, quietly cast Haste on his
friends. Nobinoru saw him cast the spell, and shook his head sadly. “Really?
There is no need for suspicion or fear. I have no ill intentions toward any of
you. I simply want the merest, tiniest sliver of one of your souls. I swear
that you will never even notice its absence.”
do you want with part of a soul?” Marie asked. Nobinoru turned his attention to
her. “A fair question, Marie of Argavist. You have no idea what it is like to
live for centuries devoid of any soul. The emptiness, the sense of loss – it becomes
unbearable. I desire only to fill a tiny piece of that emptiness, to ease a
tiny fraction of that pain.” His voice quavered, and they half expected to see
a tear roll out of his bony eye socket.
was tempted – it seemed like an easy way to get on with Ameiko’s mission. But
maybe too easy. Ameiko spoke
up before Bella could do something foolish. “A true emperor of Minkai would not
ask such a thing,” she declared, and Nobinoru nodded. “I agree. But I am no
longer an emperor of Minkai. I am no longer even a man. I need this far more
than when I was human. I need it because
I am no longer human. I promise you upon my honor, it will do you no harm.”
was listening intently. He could spot a con from a mile off, and this was a big
one. Nobinoru might be telling the truth about giving up a piece of their soul
not doing permanent harm, but he had some bigger game in play, and he wasn’t
being honest about why he wanted the soul. “You’re not telling us everything,”
the bard stated boldly, “and none of us will agree to your bargain!”
turned to Ameiko. “Is this true, Princess? Does your servant speak for all of
stood tall. “Yes, he does.”
sighed. “So be it.” His bony hand suddenly made a clutching gesture. Ameiko
gasped. It felt as if something was trying to tear her out of herself. She felt her body stretch from the
center, as if a giant hook were ripping out her very being. She screamed in
agony, and mentally scrabbled for something to hang onto, something to anchor
her to herself. And what she found, was herself. She was Ameiko, Ameiko
Kaijitsu, daughter of a cruel father, sister to a fallen brother, lover to a
brave dead man. She was a tavern keeper, a singer of bawdy songs, and a
princess of Minkai. And she was a friend to everyone in this room, people she
had not known two years ago but who had risked their lives countless times on
her behalf. In this split second, she saw each of them, saw into their souls:
brave, dour Sawyer, sweet Zhustin, bloodthirsty but broken Bella, glib joking
Sandoval, earnest and loving Marie, honorable steadfast Shinjiro, and Nicki,
trying so hard to be evil in spite of himself. And Sandru, the father she’d
always wished hers had been. She held on to each of them, and to herself, and
she felt Nobinoru’s grip on her soul slip away. She gasped for breath, then
raised her face in fury. “Kill him!” she whispered.
had been ready for trouble, and once again his instincts proved right. He
instantly Dimension Stepped next to
Bella, and cast Greater Invisibility on
the rogue. “Go get ‘em, tiger!” he called, clapping her on the back, but Bella
needed no urging. She whipped out her bow, and a flurry of arrows filled the
air, most finding their mark somewhere in Nobinoru’s body. With a snarl,
Nobinoru waved his staff, and another Thanadaemon suddenly appeared next to
Bella. Despite her invisibility, it had no difficulty locating her and slamming
its own staff into her belly. The injury was minor, but Bella felt some of her
lifeforce drain out through the weapon, leaving her weakened and less sure of
her abilities.
still wasn’t sure what magic was most effective against daemons, but he cast a Freezing Sphere as far back in the room
as he could. The explosion of bitter cold just missed hitting Sawyer, but
engulfed both Nobinoru and Ikku in its icy grip. Marie cast Mass Bear’s Endurance as Sandoval began
singing and cast Good Hope; both
wanted the party to have all the unfair advantages they could give it.
shook off the frost coating his exoskeleton, then cast a Stinking Cloud that surrounded all the party members except Nicki,
flying air cover overhead. Ameiko and Sandru were instantly overcome, vomiting
violently from the stench. They stumbled out of the cloud, but could still do
little but gag and retch. Zhustin had initially managed to resist the Cloud’s
vapors, but as he drew a breath to cast a spell, the combination of the noxious
gas and Ameiko and Sandru’s projectile vomiting became too much, and he joined
the other two in showing off what he’d had for lunch.
charged out of the cloud, dashing past Ikku to stab Nobinoru through the chest.
But the daemonic emperor retaliated, and as its staff struck Sawyer he, too,
felt his lifeforce ebb. Shinjiro also emerged from the Stinking Cloud, kicking the summoned Thanadaemon in its netherworld
regions. Bella took advantage of its momentary distraction to slip behind it,
delivering blow after savage blow that left it crippled and barely able to
raise its staff. Too weak to retaliate, the Thanadaemon suddenly vanished. It
reappeared in the cavern outside, and drew a large gem from a pocket of its
cloak. The gem glowed with a deep purple light, before the Thanadaemon closed
its fist around it and crushed it into powder. There was a scream of mortal
agony as a mote of light flashed from the gem and flew through the air into the
room where the party fought. It zipped through the room, the scream following
it, until it collided with the glowing wall of light with a brilliant
instantaneous flash of light that cut off the scream like a knife. In the far
room, the Thanadaemon let out a maniacal laugh, throwing its arms back as its
wounds began to heal with startling rapidity. Marie shuddered in horror; he
knew that she had just witnessed the daemon consuming some poor mortal’s soul.
flew along the far wall of the cave, angling to get a line on the summoned
Thanadaemon. As soon as he could see him, he unleashed another Freezing Sphere, and much of the
strength the creature had just regained was sapped by the bone-chilling cold. Shinjiro
took off running, dashing through the cloud of gas after the daemonic foe who
had just escaped him. He launched himself through the air and struck the
Thanadaemon in the face with the full force of his body, and the creature
collapsed into a heap of lifeless bones.
began dancing his haka, and both Ikku and Nobinoru were shaken in their boots
by his display. Marie took advantage of her magically enhanced speed, and raced
to get behind Nobinoru. The blow from her mace went wide, but now the emperor
had two foes to dodge. That gave Sawyer an added edge, and the fighter used
Suishen to full effect. The ex-emperor had tough bones beneath his cloak, and
seemed all but impervious to the sword’s flame, but Suishen’s keen edge
combined with the strength of Sawyer’s arm made for a deadly combination, and
Nobinoru seemed ready to fall. Then he, too, vanished. From far off in the
distant regions of the cavern, they heard another scream, which grew louder as
yet another soul came flashing in, only to vanish into the pulsing miasma of
light. Standing right next to it, Marie could feel the waves of necromantic and
conjuration power washing off the glowing wall, and as the soul vanished into
it, she had the briefest glimpse of its true purpose: it was a portal, a tiny
link to the plane of Abaddon, the apocalyptic wasteland that served as home to
all daemons.
was fearful of Sandoval’s display, but not helpless, and he called still more
help to the party. With a wave of his arm, a pair of Hydrodaemons appeared.
Marie dodged the daemon’s blow, and the one beside Bella swung clumsily and
harmlessly at where it hoped the invisible rogue might be. Bella took advantage
of its confusion, and slipped behind it. Her swords flashed, and the hapless
daemon fell to the floor, gutted.
was still puking along with Ameiko and Sandru, so that left only Nicki to
provide long-range firepower. He peered into the far reaches of the cavern
where he thought Nobinoru had retreated to, but he could see nothing in the
darkness at this distance. But that wasn’t necessarily a problem, as he fired
off another massive Freezing Sphere that encompassed the entire far half of the
cavern, eliciting a pleasing roar of rage in response.
continued dancing, intimidating the newly arrived Hydrodaemon as well as his
summoner. Marie smacked it with her mace, but the creature ignored her. It stepped
away, then fired off a gob of poisonous spit at Sandoval. The Sleep Spittle struck the bard
full in the face, and he collapsed in a deep slumber. His harmonizing sword
continued singing his inspiring song, but freed from the sight of him dancing, the
daemons regained their resolve.
turned on Sawyer, clamping one of its immense claws around his chest, trying to
crush the life out of him. Sawyer gritted his teeth and drove Suishen into the
creature’s chest over and over again, drawing forth a spray of green ichor. Bella
sprang behind the piscodaemon and her sword opened its shell like a lobster
ready for melted butter. With a gurgle, it sank to the floor. Nicki hammered
the surviving Hydrodaemon with a volley of Magic
Missiles, the followed up with a set of Quickened
Magic Missiles for good measure. Marie swung her adamantine mace and
crushed the daemon’s head into jelly.
was already in the far cavern, where he had just killed the summoned
Thanadaemon. He could see Nobinoru standing near the far wall. Taking advantage
of his enhanced speed, he charged. He infused his blow with extra ki, and attempted to incapacitate him
with a Stunning Fist, but the emperor
resisted. He lashed out with his staff, and like the others, Shinjiro felt a
level of experience drain away with the blow. Worse, he saw the Thanadaemon
grow stronger as it consumed each tiny bit of his lifeforce. But he knew he
couldn’t allow the daemon to escape, so he gritted his teeth and unleashed a ki flurry on the emperor. Behind him, he
could hear Sawyer’s feet pounding as he tried to close the distance to Nobinoru
before he escaped again. But the emperor took a step back, and pointed his
finger at Shinjiro. The monk barely had time to duck as a ray of Ennervation narrowly missed his head.
Then Nobinoru vanished.
in the cave, Ameiko had finally recovered enough to do something other than
vomit. She saw Sandoval snoring peacefully on the floor, and staggered over to
him, giving him a few friendly kicks to rouse him. The bard awoke, then
groggily cast Heroism on Bella, not
knowing whether the fight was over or not. Nicki, worried about what might
emerge from that glowing wall of light, cast a Wall of Force in front of it, just to be safe.
also staggered out into the larger cavern, his robe covered with breakfast and
lunch. He joined Shinjiro and Sawyer in searching every corner of the room, but
found no sign of the missing emperor. As he searched, he summoned a small Air Elemental and ordered it to blow the
remnants of the Stinking Cloud out
over the lake.
sprouted her angelic wings, and flew out over the lake. She made first for the
cave they hadn’t yet explored, the one that sat atop a set of low cliffs just north
of their beach. As she flew into the cave mouth, she spotted Nobinoru, hiding
against the near wall as he waited to recover his strength. With a cry, she
reversed course and flew back over the lake. “He’s in here!” she shouted,
pointing, but just then a sickly ray shot out from Nobinoru’s hiding spot,
striking her in the back, and she staggered in mid-air as she felt her levels
recovered, and flew down to meet Sawyer on the beach. She cast Fly on the fighter, and didn’t have to
give him any instructions as he sprang upwards towards Nobinoru’s new lair.
Shinjiro ran to the water’s edge, and looked warily up at the cliff face. He
hadn’t had much luck with climbing lately, but this was no time to question his
abilities. Taking a deep breath, he began picking his way among the handholds
and outcrops, slowly moving up towards the ledge above.
ran to Bella’s side. “Hang on!” he cried, grabbing her arm. A split-second
later they were standing atop the ledge. They saw Nobinoru and Sawyer circling
each other warily at the far back of the cave. Bella dashed forward, slicing
Nobinoru where she hoped his hamstring would be. He bellowed and whirled,
swinging his staff at her head, but she ducked just in time. As she did, a
volley of Magic Missiles flew through
the space her head had just vacated, striking Nobinoru full in the chest,
accompanied by Nicki’s peal of laughter. As Nobinoru rocked back, Sawyer caught
him off-guard. Suishen’s blade exploded in flame as it severed first one limb
and then another, finally separating the Thanadaemon’s horned head from his
stood panting. Sandoval had Dimension
Door’d in with Ameiko and Sandru in the battle’s final moments, so everyone
was together. They looked at each other with battle-exhaustion as Marie began
to circulate to assess everyone’s condition and administer what healing she
could. The physical wounds she could deal with, but the lost levels were
another story; she’d already used her available Restoration spells today, and she wasn’t sure she had any more of the diamond dust she’d need to bring anyone’s levels back anyway. “How’re you
doing on spells?” Nicki asked Zhustin, and the wizard just shook his head. “Wait
– are you saying you can’t make me invisible any more?” Bella asked with alarm.
“I still can,” Sandoval said without looking up. “Whew! Sounds like we’re good
to go, then!” she chirped.
had only been a few hours since they’d left Amatatsu Maemi’s lair and descended
into the lower reaches of the Well of Demons, but the series of taxing battles
had left them all but drained. They knew they still had to face Teikoku Sokai
upstairs. Perhaps they could just agree to his request to destroy the torii gate guarding the approach to the Well of
Demons, and they wouldn’t have to fight him. Maybe nothing bad would come of
that. Maybe pigs would fly down here and give them a ride out.
and magically exhausted, they flew/teleported back up the waterfall to Amatatsu
Maemi’s rooms, where the embers from their breakfast campfire were still warm.
Maybe things would be clearer after a little rest.
PCs earned 12,343 XP for the night, putting them at 536,005 XP, with 635,000
required for level 15. We’ll be back at Leo’s next week. The following week
(July 31) I’ll be in San Diego, then there’s a good chance I’ll be in Australia
for the three weeks after that. We’ll decide next Sunday what’s going on (I
know one of those Sundays is GenCon).
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