retrieving Suishen from under the noses of some angry gorgons and killing
Munasukaru’s son, Ichirou, the party had continued in their exploration of
Munasukaru’s Penance. After traversing a very long hallway, they’d found a
series of barracks, and ambushed the Withered Blossom Warriors who were living
there. But the hobgoblin warriors weren’t the only threat; another huge ogre
mage fighter had appeared, and entered the fray.
potential threat posed by this newcomer, everyone had their hands full with
hobgoblins. Sawyer was once again happily surrounded by foes, and Suishen was
singing a battle song as he removed the head from first one and then another. Bella
also was wielding her blades with precision, and the warrior facing her fell. Nicki
was concerned about the veteran warrior still battling, so he summoned forth
the fires of Hell, but the veteran nimbly dodged the Hellfire, leaving only one of his underlings to get singed.
of the remaining warriors saw Nicki cast his spell, and took exception. He
charged down to the doorway, and slammed the sorcerer with his morningstar.
Sandoval stepped forward to intervene, and his echoblade caught the hobgoblin
in the liver, leaving him gasping with pain. The veteran charged Shinjiro, but
the monk ducked under his blow and responded with a vicious Flurry of Blows. But he was also dodging
the attacks of another warrior on his flank. The veteran took advantage of his
distraction, and hammered him with a pair of blows from his morningstar. Marie saw
Shinjiro staggering, but there were too many bodies blocking her from reaching
him. “Hey – ugly!” she shouted, and as the hobgoblin flanking Shinjiro turned
to see who was yelling at him, she buried her starknife in his eye.
![]() |
Munasukaru's Chosen |
ogre mage fighter pointed his enormous katana at Sawyer and bellowed out a Challenge in Tian: “Face me and feel the
wrath of my blade, you cowardly foreigner!” Fortunately, Sawyer didn’t speak
Tian, but he got the gist as the oni leapt down from the stairs and charged the
fighter, gashing him with its huge sword. Sawyer got in an immediate riposte,
and Nicki unlimbered his Metamagic Rod
and used its last charge of the day to send a trio of Empowered Scorching Rays at the huge creature. The searing bolts of
fire burned clear through the oni’s body. He staggered backwards, dead on his
feet, but amazingly he called upon his Resolve
to complete one final act before dying: he breathed out a Cone of Cold that enveloped everyone in the room (and Zhustin,
outside it), except for Shinjiro and the veteran. Then he collapsed in a heap.
hobgoblin threatening Nicki had been turned into a corpsesicle by his master’s
final breath, so that only left the veteran battling Shinjiro. Bella Pounced down behind him, and he slid to
the floor, her rapier buried in his back.
Marie had performed some healing, they investigated the room that the oni had
emerged from. Unlike the messy hobgoblin barracks they’d just been through,
this room was neat, if spartan. A simple military cot, sharply made, rested
against one wall, and several trophies and art objects were displayed on the
walls. On a low shelf beside the bed was an ornate lacquer and pearl box; Bella
immediately opened it, and found an opium pipe and several does of opium. Going
through the oni’s things, they were able to surmise that his name had been Fujai,
Munasukaru’s Chosen.
with the other items was a shelf holding a set of leather-bound ledgers (and
the leather appeared to be made from human skin). Zhustin began to examine
them, and found they contained a comprehensive and apparently oft-updated
genealogy of the five imperial families of Minkai, listing every known
legitimate and illegitimate member of each family, and notes on which had died.
These notes, all in the same hand but in different inks, spanned hundreds of
years. The handwriting appeared to be the same as on the notes they’d found in the
strongbox in Ichirou’s chamber. The last update on the Amatatsu line showed
Ameiko’s great-great-grandfather still living, and her great-grandfather as his
heir, along with several brothers and sisters. Checking the dates of the last
entries on some of the other imperial families, they saw that all the notes
ended about the same time, roughly 160 years ago. Apparently someone in the
Five Storms had had an intense interest in Minkai’s imperial families before
the oni all escaped into the world.
was another door leading out of Fujai’s chambers, and the roar of water could
be heard through it. It opened into a natural cavern, with an underground river
(likely the same subterranean watercourse they’d already encountered several
times in their descent) that poured out of an opening in the wall and disappeared
down a huge open pit, like an enormous drain. A narrow path corkscrewed around
the walls of the pit, disappearing into darkness and mist below.
stared at the path, shoulders drooping. Had it really only been a few hours ago
that they’d left the hobgoblin’s cave, far above them? Marie spoke for most of
them when she said, “We might want to rest here before we try to go down that.
I’m getting pretty low on healing spells.” Bella didn’t see any need to stop,
but everyone else went back inside to make the barracks as livable as possible,
and she reluctantly followed.
a good long rest and a hot meal, the group was in much better spirits, ready to
tackle whatever might await them below. They went out into the cavern and began
a careful descent of the path that circled the drain. The water poured down
over a lip of stone and then dropped straight down the center of the shaft, and
the constant mist made footing on the steep pathway treacherous. They inched
along single-file, knowing that one misstep could send them (and possibly the
people on either side of them) hurtling down into darkness.
had completed almost one full circuit when a figure suddenly separated from the
cliff wall below them and rose up to attack Sawyer, at the front of the
procession. It was one of the hobgoblin monks, the Sisters of the Broken Path. She’d
concealed herself with a piece of cloth that blended in with the rock wall, and
appeared to be floating in mid-air. She whirled her nunchucks at Sawyer, but
missed, but two more of her sisters appeared; the one at the back of the party
hit Nicki while another in the center hit Shinjiro.
began singing, but cursed as he realized that the narrow path and treacherous
footing prevented him from engaging any of the attackers. Bella had the same
problem – at least until Marie unfurled her wings and teleported off the pathway
behind the one attacking Shinjiro. That gave Bella the opening she needed, and
she charged up to stab at the floating monk, but her feet slipped on the wet
stone, and he missed badly, barely keeping her footing. Zhustin cast a Ray of Enfeeblement, and the monk
battling Sawyer suddenly grew weaker.
didn’t have any issues with reaching his foe; she was right in front of him. He
swung Suishen, and the blade bit twice, but the third blow, which might have
taken off her head, went wide due to the Sister’s Blur. The Sister retaliated by trying to disarm Sawyer, but this
time he held tight to Suishen. The Sister in the center shifted onto the path
and tried to deliver a Punishing Kick
to send Bella hurtling off the walkway, but the rogue neatly sidestepped the kick.
The one at the rear sent a Flurry of
Blows at Nicki, and the sorcerer was dodging and blocking for all he was
worth, but he still had the wind knocked out of him.
was not keen on hand-to-hand combat, but he didn’t see a lot of options.
Normally he’d use his Boots to
levitate out of reach, but since she seemed to be levitating, too, that
probably wouldn’t help. Luckily, he had an insurance policy he’d been carrying
around for months; he pulled Deadly Kiss, the magical dagger he’d taken back in Ravenscraeg, out of his belt and as he drew it, he imbued
it with the Phase Spider Venom he’d
harvested in the arctic. He stabbed the blade forward, and twisted it in the
hobgoblin monk’s gut. She turned pale, as the poison began to rob her body of strength.
leveled a Flurry of Blows at his
attacker, but her Blur caused all but
one to go wide; that one, however, caught her square in the kidney, and she
gasped with pain. Zhustin fired off a volley of Magic Missiles at the Sister attacking Nicki, and Marie flew down
and jabbed it with her Wand of Inflict
Moderate Wounds, but did only minimal damage. Bella focused all her
attention on the Sister in the center of the party; her blades flew in a bloody
blur, and the hobgoblin monk slumped to the ground.
weakened Sister attacking Sawyer abandoned her efforts to disarm him, and
assaulted him with a Flurry of Blows,
but the big fighter easily parried all her strikes, then sank Suishen deep into
her thigh. Shinjiro slipped past Sawyer and distracted her momentarily, and
that was all Sawyer needed; Shinjiro flashed twice more, and she, too, dropped
poisoned Sister hit Nicki again, but there was no force behind her blow, and he
barely noticed it. He stepped forward and delivered a Corrupting Touch, and she retched in agony. Bella Pounced down and stabbed her once, and
Marie poked her again with the wand. The hobgoblin knew she was done for, but refused
to yield. She punched Nicki one last time, and as he recoiled, he pointed his
finger and hit her full in the face with a volley of Magic Missiles. Her body hurtled down into the mists of the
Nicki had taken significant damage in the battle, and Marie, suspecting there
might be a long and dangerous day ahead of them, used her Wand of Cure Light Wounds over and over to bring him back to close to full
strength. Then, every nerve on alert, they continued their cautious descent.
reached the bottom without any further attempts on their lives. There, the
waterfall dropped from the ceiling into an underground lake, its surface broken
by large widely-spaced boulders forming crude stepping (or jumping) stones. The
walls of the cavern were carved with hundreds of leering faces, their mouths
twisted in silent screams. Far across the dark water, a narrow landing could be
dimly seen, flanked by what looked like a wall of worked stone.
managed to successfully navigate the slippery descent, the party was in no mood
to press their luck by jumping across the stones. Instead, they fell back on
their tried-and-true method: group Dimension
Door. Marie partnered up with Sawyer, Sandoval, and Bella, while Nicki took
Zhustin and Shinjiro. On the count of three, they vanished, and reappeared on
the distant landing.
were standing on a flat stone shelf that appeared to be a natural feature, but
to their left a high wall of fitted stone rose above the lake’s surface. Ahead
of them, the ground rose in a pair of terraces, each about four feet high. From
their vantage point, they couldn’t see what might be on the top level – until a
trio of faces appeared, peering down at them. Damn! It was more of those
friggin’ Sisters of the Broken Path!
PCs earned 10,057 XP for their efforts over the last two sessions, putting them
at 215,548 XP, with 220,000 required for level 12. There’s a pretty good chance
you’ll get to level 12 by the end of next week, so start leveling up your
characters. We’ll be at Rich & Joette’s next week. Roger will be in Arizona
and won’t join us, but I’ll be there in person.
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