when the party was feeling good about successfully tricking Prince Batsaikhar
into accepting a worthless ring as the priceless artifact they’d won at the
Ruby Phoenix Tournament, everything started falling apart. The Prince shocked
everyone by asking Bella to marry him, and Bella shocked the Prince by not
accepting immediately. Knowing that the Prince was not the sort to take
disappointment well, the party decided to slip out of town before he could
decide what form of punishment would be most appropriate for this insult. The
streets of Ordu-Aganhei were packed with citizens celebrating the Feast of the
Dragon, with fireworks going off everywhere and long paper dragons parading
through the narrow streets. Suddenly, one of those dragons was cast off, and
the people underneath were revealed as black-clad ninjas, who immediately
attacked the party. Could this night get any worse?
had quickly dispatched one of his assailants, but another managed to land a
blow with his katana. The cut was little more than a scratch, but the poison on
it immediately began to sap the fighter’s strength. More ninjas began appearing
from hiding places inside nearby market stalls, and they slipped behind
Zhustin, Ameiko, and Bella. Ameiko desperately tried to parry their blows, but
the ninjas’ poison also began working on her, and she was getting weaker and
![]() |
Miyaro |
market square in which they’d been ambushed was in turmoil, as onlookers began
screaming and running away in panic. One young woman did not run however;
instead, she pulled a kukri from within her kimono, and slid the blade into the
back of the ninja who’d come up behind Zhustin. The blade was small, but she
handled it expertly, and the surprised ninja found himself with one less
working kidney.
had ninjas all around him, and had no interest in a fair fight, so he used Dimension Door to vanish, reappearing 40’
directly overhead, where his Boots of
Levitation kept him. Zhustin considered something similar, but he wanted to
help his unknown benefactor as much as possible, so he whipped out his new
adamantine quarterstaff and rapped the ninja upside the head. Unfortunately,
the ninjas on either side of him kept their attacks focused on him, and Zhustin
knew he couldn’t keep trading blows with them. “Thanks!” he called to the girl
with the knife, then used his own Dimension
Door to teleport out of danger.
was also surrounded by ninjas, but in her case, that was exactly what she
wanted. With both her blades whirling around her in a blur, she sent one ninja
down in a bloody heap and sliced another to within an inch of his life. Sawyer
hacked away with Suishen, hitting one of the ninja attacking him three times,
then cursing when he had the bad manners to keep standing. Ameiko thrust with Whispering Shrike, and cut deep into the
ninja assaulting her, but the poison kept working in her veins, and her blows
were growing weaker by the minute. Marie, standing back-to-back with her,
grabbed her by the arm and together they Teleported
out of the action.
used his Jaunt Boots to dash past one
of his attackers, coming up behind him and dropping him with a wicked thrust of
his crystal echoblade. Shinjiro was using his ki flurry to batter the three ninjas around him.
the party recovered from the shock of the ambush and began to establish
tactical positions, the tide of the battle quickly began to turn. From his
airborne vantage, Nicki rained down Scorching
Rays on the ninja still threatening Sandoval, turning him into a pile of
ash. Bella focused her attacks on one ninja, and he fell before her blades as
his comrade had. Sawyer quickly finished off the two still attacking him, and
Sandoval circled around behind one of Shinjiro’s assailants and he was dead
before he knew what hit him.
Zhustin disappeared, one of his attackers whirled around and began slashing at
the girl who’d come to Zhustin’s aid. She was fending off most of his attacks,
but couldn’t seem to get in any good blows of her own. Bella didn’t think it
was fair to have a big bad ninja picking on a little girl (not seeing the irony
in that), and charged her attacker. He looked down in surprise as the point of
her rapier appeared out of his chest. Before he could decide whether he was
dead or not, Marie stepped in and settled the matter with her mace. Nicki fired
off a volley of Magic Missles, Zhustin
added a pair of Scorching Rays,
Sawyer killed two more ninja, Sandoval stabbed one more with his echoblade, and
suddenly the only ninjas were dead ninjas.
the sounds of panic and screaming all around them, they could tell that their
little scuffle had not gone unnoticed. They’d been accompanied out of the palace
by their usual retinue of fawning servants, but these had all fled in panic at
the first sign of danger. All except one: a dusky Hongali girl had been one of
the half-dozen following Nicki. The others were long gone, but she’d stayed by
his side (cowering, but faithful), and was still there. Since she appeared to
have all her flesh and still be breathing, they decided she was an improvement
over Nicki's past servants, and didn’t ask too many questions.
young woman who’d come to their aid was tugging at Marie’s sleeve. “Please –
come with me! I’m a friend, and I know the precious cargo you carry with you.”
She cast a meaningful glance at Ameiko as she said this. “I’m here to help!”
Suspicious, they were nonetheless grateful for her help so far. They followed
her into a nearby alley, away from the press of panicking crowds.
name is Miyaro. I was sent by the kami of the Forest
of Spirits. One of their sisters came to them many months ago. She was the
guardian of the Amatatsu Seal, and she told them that the Seal had been found,
and that an heir still lived and was on her way, and that they should prepare
for her. They are not comfortable with humans, so they sent me to wait for you
here. I walked many weeks to come here from the Forest, and I am here to guide
you back. It is not safe for you to travel by the Spirit Road!”
party wasn’t quite sure what to make of Miyaro’s excited ramblings, and most of
them had no idea what a “kami” was. But she was offering to help them get away,
and that was good enough for now. With Miyaro in tow, they continued pushing
their way towards the city gate that led to where their caravan was camped.
when the arrived, they found the gate barred, with double the usual number of
guards clustered before it. Sawyer strode forward confidently, and they
brandished their spears nervously. The guard captain brusquely shooed Sawyer
away. “Gate’s closed. There are riots in the city, and orders are, no one gets
in or out. Move along now.”
got business outside the walls. You need to let us pass.” Sawyer demanded, but
the guard held firm. “Sorry. These orders come from high up, and no one said
anything about any exceptions."
glared at the guard captain, and half drew Suishen from his sheath. “I don’t
care who
gave you your orders. I said we’re going out that
gate!” The guard captain’s knees were knocking, and his troop of guards had all
quietly backed several paces away. But frightened as he might be of Sawyer, he
was even more frightened of the Prince. “I … I … can’t l-l-let you through the
g-g-g-gate,” he stammered.
might have gotten ugly, but Marie stepped up, and pulled Sawyer back. “We’ve
got other ways out,” she whispered. Sawyer was tempted to Air Walk right over the wall, just to show the guard how little
they could do to stop him, but he let Marie lead him away, glaring daggers at
the terrified and relieved captain.
out of sight, the party’s spellcasters got together, and Dimension Door’d everyone to the far side of the wall. They quickly
made their way to where they’d left the wagons, but all was not as it had been. Heavy
chains were looped through the wagon wheels, fixed to large stakes that had
been driven into the ground. Those would not be much of a hindrance by
themselves, but their horses were gone and worse, their crew was nowhere to be
was a crew of wranglers sitting around a fire by a nearby corral, and Sawyer
went over to ask them if they knew anything about what had happened to their
caravan. Most mumbled something like “I know nothing,” and made themselves
scarce. But one old wrangler lay beside the fire, cradling a mostly-empty jug
of rice wine. “Yeah, folks from the palace showed up a week or more ago, and
took all those folks away. I think they took the horses to one of the Prince’s
stables. Don’t know where they took the people.”
this wasn’t a retaliation for Bella’s snub of the Prince’s proposal. The timing
coincided with when they’d been “invited” to go to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament,
and when Ameiko and Sandru had been kidnapped. It was likely another step the
Prince had taken to ensure their cooperation. Ameiko and Sandru had no idea
where they’d been held, but they’d seen or heard nothing to indicate there was
anyone else being held there with them.
it! We don’t need wagons, or horses. I say we just leave right now – follow Miyaro
and get as far away from town as possible before daylight.” Zhustin was ready
to hit the road, and Sandoval was nodding in agreement, but Sandru was
anguished about abandoning his caravan and his crew. “But those are my people!
I’m responsible for them!” he countered. “And besides – I’ve still got all
these wonderful glass goods from Ameiko’s glassworks that I haven’t found a
buyer for yet! I think we need to go back and convince the Prince to let our
people go!”
no!” Bella piped up. “I’m not going back there! If we show our faces again, he’s
just going to kill us. If his ninjas didn’t do the job, he’ll just come up with
something deadlier.”
looked confused. “You don’t understand. Those ninjas were from Minkai, and were sent by the Five Storms.
They’ve probably sent many groups to kill you, and these were just the first to
arrive. That’s why we should leave as soon as possible – the princess is in
great danger as long as she stays here.”
and Sandoval used Miyaro’s argument to bolster their own proposal, but Nicki
threw out an alternate. “If the ninjas weren’t from the Prince, we can use
their attack to our advantage. Bella can hide out with Miyaro somewhere. We go
back and say that in the confusion of
the attack, the ninjas made off with Bella. Then the wedding’s off without the
Prince losing face. He’ll release our crew, we’ll be on our way.”
if he doesn’t release our crew?” Bella asked
say we don’t waste time with the Prince,” Sawyer growled. “Let’s just take that
Chua guy prisoner and make him
talk. Force him to tell us where they’ve got our people and horses, get them
out, and be on our way.”
started another round of arguments. Zhustin suggested stealing the horses, but
Marie countered that since Hongali people valued their horses more than their
children, being a horse thief in this country might be the worst of all possible
ideas. They argued back and forth, growing more and more heated, and it seemed
that no more than two people favored any given suggestion. Finally, they turned
to Ameiko. “Look, it’s your decision. Putting you on the throne of Minkai is
the most important thing, and we’ll do whatever you think is best.”
shoulders drooped, and she was silent for a long time, staring into the fire. “If
this is what it’s going to be like to be an empress, then I’m not sure I want
the job. But here’s what I think. I think we owe it to our people to try to
free them. I’ve seen you guys in action. I think if the Prince tries anything
with you, you can be out of there before they know what’s happening.”
what about me?” Bella squeaked. “Do I stay hiding out here?”
took a deep breath. “I think you have to go back and tell the Prince you’ll
marry him. I think that’s the only way he’ll let our crew go. Once they’re free
and safe, we’ll figure out a way to rescue you.” Ameiko grinned. “And if we don’t,
can I be your maid of honor?”
agreed to follow Ameiko’s suggestion. Miyaro said she’d wait for them in a
copse of trees south of the city (“I’m not comfortable around crowds, and I’d
rather not go back to the city if that’s OK,” she said timidly.) They Teleported back over the city walls, and
made their way back to the palace. The city’s streets were deserted save for
frequent patrols of heavily armed guards. There was obviously some kind of
curfew in place, but when the patrols saw them, they pointedly looked the other
way, and they reached the palace unmolested. They collapsed into their beds,
heads spinning with how tomorrow’s events might unfold. Sleep eluded them, as
they slowly realized that something just didn’t feel right. It took them a long time to realized what it was. For the
first time since they’d been in the palace, they were alone, without the
usual retinue of doting servants.
next morning, they were awakened early, and found their clothing all neatly
folded. Chua was waiting for them when they emerged from their rooms, along
with a sizable honor guard. The usually unflappable diplomat seemed almost
embarrassed this morning. “We have been most honored by your long visit to our
wonderful city, and are most grateful for your efforts on our nation’s behalf
at the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Alas, our Golden Sun is unable to dine with you
this morning, as pressing affairs of state demand his impassable wisdom. He
hopes that you have enjoyed your time here and will depart with fond memories
of Ordu-Aganhei.”
turned to Bella, but looked slightly to her left, not making eye contact. “The
Prince realizes that the incomparable honor of marriage to his glorious
imminence must have been more than one of your station and your race could
comprehend. You did not understand that his offer was a jest, one which
continues to fill the court with humor, but which you obviously did not grasp.
I hope that you will overcome the embarrassment that you suffered before all
the assembled nobility of Ordu-Aganhei and will one day be able to look back on
yesterday’s events and laugh at your rustic faux-pas.”
Bella began to sputter and Marie struggled to hold her back, Chua turned back
to the rest of the party. “We wish you safe travels as you journey onwards from
our city, and as a final demonstration of our Golden Prince’s infinite
beneficence, he has bestowed upon you one parting gift to speed you on your
travels.” He turned and glided off down the hallway without a backward glance.
The guard escorted the party out of the palace, where they found a fine Hongali
pony waiting for each of them, each outfitted with a gold-filigreed saddle.
Deciding not to (literally) look a gift horse in the mouth, they immediately
mounted and cantered off to the caravan yards. There they found their wagons
unchained, horses already in the traces, and their drivers befuddled but safe.
appeared out of her hiding place as they passed, and she fell in with the
caravan. She led them down a lightly traveled road leading generally east by
southeast, away from the main road south out of the city. “The Spirit Road isn’t
safe,” she repeated. “It’s heavily guarded by patrols from the Jade Regent.
Many of them are actually oni disguised as humans, and they’ll all be watching
for any sign of the princess.” The group remembered what they’d learned of the
area’s geography while they were in Ordu-Aganhei. Between Hongal and Minkai lay
the Forest of Spirits. It was supposed to be a dangerous and
haunted place, and the only safe passage was a road that skirted the Forest
along the western coast, called the Spirit Road. It was the only route for
overland trade with Minkai, and although the Forest was technically Hongali
territory, the Spirit Road was maintained and protected by military forces from
Minkai (and Hongal had never tried to dispute the presence of troops from their
more powerful neighbor to the south).
led them east then southeast, towards the Forest of Spirits. It was to be a
journey of several hundred miles, and as the days passed, she told them more
about the kami who had raised
her, and Shinjiro chimed in with legends he’d learned from his grandfather.
Kami were created by the gods at the dawn of creation, tasked with the sacred
duty to protect the gods’ (and later some of man’s) creations. The gods also
established a set of labyrinthine rules known as the Laws of Golden Perfection which govern every aspect of kami conduct
and their interaction with the world.
kami has a creature or object that it is paired with, known as its ward. Not
everything has a kami, but every kami has a ward. A kami might be charged with
protecting a tree, or a rock, or a gate, or a fox, or a mountain. Kami have
difficulty manifesting in physical bodies, and have restrictions on how they
can interact with humans and other sentient beings, so for the kami of the
Forest of Spirits, Miyaro has become their agent in many ways.
are the antithesis of the kami; where kami strive to protect and preserve, oni
lust to destroy and pervert. Oni exist in endless conflict with kami, resenting
them for the favor the gods show them and for what the oni see as their
misguided devotion to the divine directive to shield creation. In contrast, oni
see the world as a playground on which to indulge every base whim and desire
that might cross their selfish and venal hearts. Though they often act in
direct opposition to the kami, oni too must abide by the tangled and voluminous
Laws of Golden Perfection, but the
cruel beings do their best to bend and manipulate these strictures in their
pursuit of physical pleasures. Kami find oni to be dreadful embarrassments, or
live in fear that they may one day fail in their sacred responsibilities and
become oni themselves.
told them that the kami of the Forest of Spirits had a special bond with the
oni of the Five Storms, but beyond that she would say no more. “When we reach
the heart of the Forest, they will tell you themselves.”
led them over seldom-traveled roads between more and more widely scattered
villages. They were still very far north, and although it was late spring, the
landscape was still dusted with leftover snow. Sawyer frequently took to the
air to look for any signs of pursuit, but saw nothing suspicious.
one morning, as they rumbled along the rutted track, they rounded a hillock to
find a group of creatures blocking their path. In the center was an ogre mage,
similar to the one who’d attacked them in Ul-Angorn. With him were a squad of squat,
brutish humanoids with bony brows and armed with tetsubos, heavy spiked clubs.
Those who had studied their oni ecology recognized them as Ja Noi Oni.
ogre mage called out in deep resonant Minkaian. “We are the border patrol to
ensure that no contraband enters the nation of Minkai. Get down off your wagons
so we can search them – and you!”
PCs earned 4,800 XP for the night, putting them at 157,569 XP. They are now at
level 11, and need 220,000 XP to reach level 12. We’ll be at Rich & Joette’s
next week. I’ll be there in person, but Roger will be on call. Brian will be
starting his new chapter in Sin City, and may or may not be able to join
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