to find the source of the undead infestation that was blocking their path
across the Crown of the World, the party had stumbled upon a long, black road
that led them to an incredibly tall hexagonal tower jutting up out of a lake of
vile black slush at the foot of the Alabastrine Peaks. The tower was taller
than any building they’d ever seen before, easily 300’ tall, and seemed to be
made of the same black, seamless stone as the road they’d followed. Whatever lost
race had constructed it must have rivaled the power of the fabled Thassilonians
of yore.
crackling ball of blue energy floated above the top of the tower, and above
that raging white storm clouds formed a vast spiral. It suddenly dawned on them
that the storm that had dogged their steps for weeks seemed to have its
epicenter directly above the Storm Tower. Bella thought she could make out some
small windows at the very top of the tower, but no one else’s eyes were sharp
enough to see anything.
… why do we think it’s a good idea to go in there?” a small voice asked.
Everyone turned to look at Bella, shocked that she, of all people, would have a
sudden attack of reason. They reiterated their reasons: figure out what was behind
the undead blocking their path, try to understand why the shaman Tunuak back in
Iqualiat seemed to have been obsessed with this tower, learn if there was some
connection between the strange monoliths they’d encountered and this tower and
its raging storm. Bella listened, biting her lip and trying to hide her
trembling. In the end, she gave up arguing, but hung back nonetheless – she had
a very bad feeling about this.
remounted his Phantom Steed, and led
the way towards the far end of the causeway leading to the tower’s entrance.
Before he had gone ten feet, his mount suddenly disappeared, sending him
tumbling to the ground. Marie rushed to his side to make sure he was OK. As she
did, she felt a sudden chill wash over her. She had experienced the warmth that
came from entering a consecrated temple of Desna; this was the exact opposite.
She knew that this was Unhallowed
ground. As the rest of the party advanced, they also felt the chill of crossing
some invisible line, and the benefits from the Prayer spell Marie had cast earlier were dispelled. Apprehensive,
they moved ahead.
last gap in the causeway separated them from the enormous hexagonal opening in
the side of the tower. Inside, they could see a faint blue light illuminating
the center of the tower, and spilling out to provide dim illumination of the
area ahead of them. Expecting the worst, Sandoval cast Good Hope on the party. Holding one end of a rope, Shinjiro easily
leapt the 10’ wide gap, followed by Nicki and Sawyer. As the others prepared to
cross, they took a quick look around. The ceiling towered 100’ above them,
almost lost in the darkness. Drifts of snow were piled along the walls of
trapezoidal entryway in which they stood, dimly lit by the faint blue glow from
the center, while large dark rooms opened off to either side. Surprisingly, the
wind was still howling, blowing out
of the building rather than in from outside.
they took in their surroundings, the drifts of snow suddenly shifted, and
figures suddenly rose from their hiding places beneath the snow. Their pale
flesh was rotting and putrid, their bodies skeletal in places, and ice and
frost clung to their hair; their eye sockets glowed with blue-white light. One
arose right next to Nicki, and swung at him with icy claws, but the young
sorcerer dodged the blow with a yelp of fear and surprise. He stepped back, and
cast a Flaming Sphere that began
burning his attacker.
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Frost Wight |
battle was short but intense. Bella, still reluctant to enter the Storm Tower,
stood on the causeway and peppered the frost wights with arrows. The others had
no compunctions about engaging. Zhustin and Marie teleported across, and Marie
immediately opened a Channel to Desna
to wash the wights with a wave of positive energy. She could tell that the Unhallow effect was inhibiting her
ability to tap the power of her goddess, but the undead attackers were
injured nonetheless. Sawyer and Shinjiro advanced and engaged the wights.
Sawyer found himself surrounded by three of them, but seemed unconcerned as he
flashed Suishen into the fray. Shinjiro pounded them with fists and feet, but
their bodies were so intensely cold that he also took damage for every blow he
landed. Sandoval leaped the gap and immediately sank his echoblade into one of
the wights, while Zhustin used Disrupt
Undead. Nicki kept backing away, pulling his Flaming Sphere along to harry the wight pursuing him. The wights’ attacks were clumsy, and none
were able to connect. Marie did another Channel
Positive Energy, Nicki fired off a volley of Magic Missiles, and suddenly it was quiet, all the frost wights
lying truly dead on the floor.
Flaming Sphere still burned, and he
sent it into the room to the left to use it to illuminate the room better. Initially it looked like this room was also
drifted with snow, but upon closer examination, he could see that what looked
like snow were actually clumps of small white mushrooms growing along the walls
and out of the few small snowdrifts in the corners. Following his belief that
anything unknown should be burned on general principles, Nicki directed his
sphere around the room, gleefully blackening the small fungi as long as it
meanwhile, had noticed a small glittering panel mounted on the wall near the
central room, and he moved to examine it more closely. It was made from a
collection of crystals of various shapes and sizes, arranged in no apparent
pattern. Some of them glowed with a very faint light in pale, pastel colors. He
touched the panel, and could tell that the crystals could move, but his
attempts at pressing, pulling, and twisting them did nothing.
Bella – come check this out,” he called. Bella, the lure of possible gemstones
finally overcoming her fear, jumped across and examined the panel. Using her
knowledge of locks and mechanisms, she thought she could discern a pattern to
the panel. She pushed and prodded the crystals, and suddenly the floor of the
central hexagonal room was covered with blue light. It pulsed for a moment,
then suddenly rose out of sight up the shaft. As it did, the winds, which had
been howling incessantly down the shaft, were suddenly cut off. The quiet
lasted for less than a minute, and then the wind came roaring back.
Bella stepped into the central room and looked up. The sight made her so dizzy
she almost lost her balance. The central core of the tower formed a shaft that
ascended the full 300’ of the tower’s height. At the top, a crackling blue
sphere of energy hung in the air, its light spilling down the shaft to provide
the dim illumination at the bottom. About 100’ up, she could make out an
opening in the front half of the shaft, and it looked like there was another
opening another hundred feet above that.
had wandered over to examine the panel. He was using his arcane insights rather
than Bella’s mechanical ones, but he was also able to discern its workings.
Once again the blue platform of force appeared and began to ascend. This time,
Nicki and Bella both stuck their heads into the shaft to see where it went. It
ascended quickly for 100 feet, then stopped and hung there motionless for some
seconds before disappearing.
seemed they had discovered an elevator to the next level of the tower. Sawyer
immediately proposed going up alone to check out what was there, reasoning that
Suishen’s Air Walk power would
prevent him from plummeting to his death should the platform disappear.
Shinjiro volunteered to go with him, and the two strode into the central core,
ready to ride the elevator to parts unknown.
Nicki could activate the panel, cooler heads prevailed. It was decided that
separating the party was probably a Bad Idea, and that it would be better if
they all went up together. Everyone but Nicki took their places in the central
core. Nicki cast Invisibility on
himself (better safe than sorry), then twiddled with the control panel. The
blue platform appeared, and he jumped through the doorway just before it began
to ascend.
rose quickly, ears popping from the sudden change in altitude. To their
surprise, the air grew much warmer as they rose. The platform jerked to a stop.
Before them was a broad room, open in the front two-thirds of the tower. Also
before them was the reason that this room was so much warmer than the arctic
surroundings. A huge, centipede-like creature reared up and let out a hiss like
steam escaping a boiler. The chitinous armor plates on its back glowed with
furnace-like heat. It was a Remorhaz, and a big one at that, and it was not happy to see them.
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Remorhaz |
knowing when he was overmatched, turned and ran, ducking around the nearest
corner to hide (and secure in the knowledge that his Invisibility would prevent anyone from knowing his cowardice).
Sandoval leaped off the platform, unsure how long it would persist, and began
singing, while Zhustin blasted the remorhaz with a Ray
of Enfeeblement. Bella, adrenaline flowing, forgot all her earlier
reservations. She pulled out her war spear and charged the huge beast. She hit,
but when she pulled out the spear its head was glowing cherry red and the shaft
was smoldering. She could feel the heat coming off the thing in waves, and
suddenly began wondering if getting this close had really been such a good
idea. Her heels were right at the edge of the platform, and if it disappeared
there would be nothing behind her but a hundred foot drop.
needn’t have worried. The possibility of falling 100 feet was the least of her
problems. With a lightning fast lunge, the remorhaz seized her in its mouth. It
shook her like a dog shakes a rat while she struggled in vain to escape, then
it flipped her up, and with a sudden gulp, she disappeared down its gullet.
rest of the group stared in shock as they watched the creature swallow their
friend, then erupted into violent action. Shinjiro charged and battered at the
thing, but it was like punching a blast furnace; he injured it, but injured
himself far worse in the process. Sawyer also charged, hacking away with
Suishen. With every blow, the sword glowed hotter, until even the normally
stoic ancestral sword began to complain.
you have to keep doing this? It’s like I’m being forged all over again!”
you prefer I switch to a different weapon?” Sawyer countered.
caused Suishen to sputter indignantly. “Do you dare insult my honor by
suggesting I am afraid to fight? Just hit it somewhere cooler!”
ISN’T anywhere cooler!”
Sawyer and his sword argued, the rest of the party did what they could to
battle the remorhaz. Sandoval hit it with a Sound
Burst then followed up with Glitterdust,
which blinded the creature. Zhustin blasted it with a volley of Enhanced Magic Missiles. Marie, cursing
herself for not doing this earlier, activated her Aura of Freedom’s Call, so that no one else could be grabbed in its
in the belly of the beast, was literally broiling to death in the pressure
cooker that was the thing’s digestive system. She knew she had to try to cut
her way out, and if she didn’t succeed on her first try, she probably wouldn’t
survive long enough for a second. Reaching into her Handy Haversack, she pulled out what she hoped would be her
salvation: the Greater Magical Beast
Slaying Arrow that she’d found back at Ravenscraeg. Gripping it with both
hands, she thrust forward and hoped for the best.
the remorhaz writhed in sudden agony as a spray of scalding hot digestive
juices erupted from its abdomen, followed by Bella’s limp body, the blackened
stump of the arrow still clutched in her fists. The remorhaz’s corpse continued
to whip back and forth in its death throes for a moment, and then fell still.
Marie rushed forward and spent several minutes delivering healing to Bella and
Shinjiro. As the rest of the group examined the remorhaz’s body, they made a
chilling discovery: the three-fingered hand of the demon-lord Sithhud had been etched into the
plates of its back with acid.
everyone else had been fighting the remorhaz, Nicki, cowering in the corner, had
made a discovery of his own. The wall where he hid had a doorway, a hexagonal
portal closed with triangular metal plates. There were also two more of the
crystal control panels on the wall. One, near the central shaft, looked similar
to the one that summoned the elevator down below, but the other, near the
hexagonal portal, was more complex. Nicki fiddled with it futilely for some
time before he stumbled on the correct combination. With a hiss, the six
triangular sections of the door retracted into the walls, revealing a brightly
lit room. A bewildering array of crystals and metallic tracery were embedded in
the walls of this chamber. A low humming noise filled the air, and the crystals
flashed with incomprehensible colored lights at irregular intervals.
half-dozen small creatures scuttled about the room. They looked like crystalline
scorpions, and they seemed to be engaged in inscrutable tasks. They would push,
pull, twist or sometimes just crouch over various crystals, but whether there
was purpose to their actions or not was impossible to tell. They took no notice
of the opening door, and since Nicki was still invisible, they didn’t notice
him, either.
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Crysmal |
he’d shown downstairs, Nicki had one guiding principle in his life: if you don’t
know what it is, set it on fire. Staying true to his beliefs, he fired a pair
of Scorching Rays at the nearest
crysmal. The flames splashed harmlessly off its crystalline skin, but the spell
did accomplish two things: it made Nicki visible, and it made the crysmals take
notice. He felt wave after wave of psychic assaults wash over his
consciousness. He managed to protect his mind against them, but they made him
invoke the corollary to his guiding principle: if it doesn’t burn, run away
from it. As he fled, he cast a Flaming
Sphere to block the doorway, using his Elemental
Spell ability to transform its flames into acid. “That should hold them,” he thought smugly.
Nicki’s shriek and seeing him fleeing a previously unsuspected room, the rest
of the party collectively rolled their eyes and began converging to see what
hornet’s nest Nicki had stirred up this time. Sawyer began singing, and Marie,
hearing Nicki shrieking something about “mental attacks”, reactivated her Freedom’s Call, to protect people from
attempts at mind control. Zhustin, seeing the small crystal scorpions scurrying about the room, Summoned a rhinoceros
inside the room. The lumbering beast charged, but missed the small crysmal.
Then, with none of the crysmals even touching it, it began to bellow with pain,
and sank slowly to the floor, blood running from its ears. Simultaneously, two
of the creatures disappeared from inside the room and reappeared on the
opposite side of the shaft, in the same room with the party. Looked like Nicki’s
acid sphere wasn’t going to be much of a hindrance after all.
having learned from his past mistake (well, at least one of them), hit one of
the newcomers with a pair of Scorching
Rays of acid. This time, the creature seemed hurt, and Sandoval finished it
off by charging in with his echoblade (although the blade seemed to glance off
its crystalline surface). However, at that moment, his song cut off. He was
still singing – he could feel his vocal chords vibrating, and could hear his
song through the bones of his skull – but as the sound left his lips it became
muffled. Every other sound was clear as ever; only his song was affected.
Luckily, by this time his Harmonizing Echoblade had taken up the song on its
own and so, for a time at least, the party would continue to be inspired.
moved to the doorway, and hit one with an Acid
Dart. As he did, he felt an all-out assault on his neural pathways. It felt
as if his brain were about to explode inside his skull, and he gripped his head
in pain. Nicki moved his Acid Sphere
to engulf the one Zhustin had just hit, and then created a second Acid Sphere to threaten another.
Zhustin, still reeling, threw a Thunderstone
into the room, hoping the crysmals would be vulnerable to sonic attacks.
crysmal popped out of the crystal room and into the larger room. Sandoval and
Marie converged on it, Marie bashing away with her mace while Sandoval
continued to try to find purchase with his echoblade. Shinjiro and Bella teamed
up on the other crysmal in the main room, and it shattered into shards under
their combined attacks.
were still three crysmals inside the mysterious room full of crystals, and
there was at last one more floor still above this one (and most of the ground
floor was still unexplored). What further dangers would the Storm Tower hold?
party earned 2,114 XP for the night, putting them at 69,312 XP with 75,000
required for level 9. We’ll be back at Leo’s again next week.
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