trek across the frozen north was proving to be every bit as dangerous as
advertised – and they’d barely started. But the group was determined not to let
anything stop them from escorting Ameiko to her destiny in distant Minkai, so
they healed up after the battle with the bulettes, and continued on into the
Gaarjuk Hills.
they needed any more proof that the Path of Aganhei was perilous, they found it
the next day. Scattered on either side of the road was the wreckage of some
unfortunate caravan. The wagons were broken and already starting to drift over
with snow. Rising up out of the ground nearby was a black basalt monolith,
casting its long shadow over the scene. Sawyer hopped down from his wagon as it
rolled past the first wreck, and dug down through the snow. The wagon’s sides
were crushed, its wheels and axles shattered. He wondered what could have
caused such damage.
question was answered a moment later. What had appeared to be a large mound of
snow to the north suddenly began to shake and move, and the ice-encrusted
skeleton of a mammoth rose up out of the snow, letting forth a spectral bellow.
As if summoned by its call, a group of Hoarfrost
Spirits materialized along the north side of
the road, and began to close on the party. As they drew near, they each unleashed
a bone-chilling Cone of Cold; each
cone caught several party members, and many were hit by more than one. Nicki
dropped a Fireball that caught the
mammoth and two of the spirits; both spirits sank back into the snow. Zhustin
followed suit, and his Fireball took
out another spirit, and burned another. Koya cast a Bless and Marie moved into position to Channel Positive Energy against these undead. It did some damage,
but something seemed to be inhibiting its effects. Other members of the party
launched various ranged attacks, but another trio of Hoarfrost Spirits appeared
from the south, and everyone once again found themselves blasted by deadly ice.
spirits’ area attacks were bad enough, but then the Frostfallen
Mammoth lumbered forward and slammed Sawyer with
one of its enormous tusks, then gored him with the other. The fancy new armor
he’d purchased in Kalsgard might as well have been made of tin as the huge
beast batted him around like a toy. Blood ran from his armor’s seams; one more
attack like this, and the big fighter would be a goner. Marie rushed forward to
cast a Cure Critical Wounds on him,
and Koya gave him a Bit of Luck to
use in his next attack. Zhustin and Nicki saw the damage that the mammoth
inflicted, but decided to keep whittling down the spirits who were surrounding
the party; Zhustin’s Fireball and
Nicki’s Scorching Ray took out three more
of them.
and Ameiko leaped down from their wagons and engaged the spirits closest to
them with swords, risking the grasp of their freezing claws. The one on Ameiko
pressed its attack, clutching for her throat, but at the last minute Ulf’s
longsword slashed in from behind, and the spirit returned to ectoplasm.
Shinjiro also rushed to attack the one fighting Bella. He delivered a flurry of
blows, but the spirit’s body generated intense cold and each time his bare
hands or feet hit, he took cold damage himself.
his feet, Sawyer unleashed his own volley of strikes from Suishen, as the sword
shouted a battle cry in some ancient dialect of Tien. The blade cut deep, but
the mammoth retaliated with another goring attack from its tusks; only the
healing Marie had delivered kept Sawyer in this world. Deciding that maybe the
mammoth was a worthy target after all, Nicki cast an Empowered Fireball behind the giant undead beast. With one last otherworldly
trumpet, the creature toppled over into an unmoving pile of bones and ivory.
Bella’s rapier finished off the last of the spirits, and the battle was over.
gathered around Marie for some desperately-needed healing, and then began to
examine the site more carefully. The wagons and their cargo were crushed beyond
repair, although the crews were able to salvage a few extra supplies.
Ominously, there was no sign of any bodies other than a few bloodstains smeared
on the crushed wood of the wagons.
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Mark of Sithhud |
strange monolith matched the description of the standing stones that they’d
been told of in the Erutaki village they’d visited. It was unmarked, save for a
symbol carved near its top. It showed a three-fingered hand, and Koya thought
it was some sort of demonic sigil. Helgarval had more knowledge. “It’s the mark
of Sithhud,” she told Marie, who relayed her
words to the party. “He used to be a demon lord who ruled the frozen Abyssal realm
of Jhuvumirak, but he was defeated by some other demon eons ago and stripped of
most of his power. I don’t know what something tied to his worship would be
doing here, now.” Marie cast a Detect
Magic, expecting that the monolith would have some necromantic powers. It
did have a faint dwemor of magic, but to her surprise it was tied to some form
of transmutation magic.
the monolith and its purpose still a mystery, the caravan moved on.
Fortunately, the next several days passed without further incident, and they
settled back into the routine of daily travel, although each morning seemed
colder than the one before. The sun barely rose above the horizon now, and most
of the “day” was an extended twilight. As they made camp one evening, Ulf spoke
of the next day’s travel. “We should reach Lake Nallishoot tomorrow. There’s an
Erutaki village called Rimakak on the shore; they know me there, and we’ll
stop, trade for a few more supplies, and see what else we can learn of the road
enough, the next afternoon they came to the shores of a large, frozen lake, and
ahead they could see a cluster of lodges. But no smoke rose from the village,
and as they drew near they could see that the village appeared deserted.
Several small hummocks of snow dotted the village and frozen arms or legs could
be seen sticking out of the snow.
group cautiously fanned out through the village to investigate. Sawyer dug
through the snow to examine the first body; it was a middle-aged Erutaki woman.
She’d been savagely slashed with claws of some sort. Ulf and Sandoval examined
another body; it was a young man who Ulf recognized as one of the villagers.
Ameiko and Shinjiro went to some of the nearby huts and peeked cautiously
inside. They were empty and their interiors had been thoroughly trashed;
anything of value had been smashed, and filth had been smeared over everything.
crossed the village common and approached one of the huts on the far side; as
she did, she saw that the snow around the hut had been disturbed, and growing
closer, she could hear sounds of movement from inside. She drew her warhammer,
and waved it over her head to quietly alert the others, then quietly approached
the skins hanging across the doorway.
Before she could reach out to push them aside, they were suddenly pulled
open from the other side. Bella found herself face to face with a large aquatic
creature. It seemed just as surprised to see her as she was by it, and after an
instant’s hesitation, it let the skins fall back over the door, and dashed
away, tearing a hole in the back of the hide-walled hut in its desperation to
escape. It ran for the frozen lake, emitting a series of high-pitched squeaks
and clicks as it ran. Apparently alerted by its cries, another of the creatures
emerged from a lodge at the north end of the village and also began running for
the lake.
a moment, the party considered letting them just run away. But then Ulf
shouted, “Those must be the things that killed the villagers!” and charged the
one to the north, hacking at it with his longsword. That spurred the party to
action, and they leapt to the fight. Bella dashed through the hole that the one
she’d surprised had made in the back of the hut and hit it with her hammer as
it ran; it stopped at the edge of the lake and turned to face her. Marie ran to
her side, but missed with her attack. Zhustin fired an Acid Arrow at the one Ulf was chasing and Sandru hit it with an
arrow. With a high-pitched squeal, it fell face-first into the snow.
transformed. It shrank in size. Its scaled skin turned smooth and brown, and
its green hair turned black. Where once there had been an oversized aquatic
monster, there now lay the body of an Erutaki boy of about eight. Shinjiro
stared in horror at the dead child, while Zhustin racked his brain for what these
might be. They looked like freshwater
merrows, creatures not uncommon in the cold waters of these parts, but he’d
never heard of merrows being shapeshifters.
children!” Shinjiro tried to
warn the rest of the party, but his cries went unheeded. Ulf, caught up in the
bloodlust of battle, charged the other merrow, but missed. However, it sank its
claws into him, and began trying to drag him towards the frozen lake. At that
moment, two more merrows burst up through the ice at the lake’s shore, and
attacked Marie. Sawyer charged the one grappling with Ulf, and a slice of
Suishen sent it sprawling back into the snow. It too transformed, leaving
behind a dead 10-year old girl. Ulf, freed from the creature’s grab, turned to
attack one of the new merrows threatening Marie, as did Bella. Nicki exploded a
Fireball over the ice behind the
creatures and another one fell, changing into yet another dead Erutaki child.
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Arnaalak |
more of the merrows burst up out of the ice of the lake; one managed to grab
Sandoval with its terrible claws. They were accompanied by a smaller creature,
with a fish-like face but clad in dripping furs. It exuded a vaguely sweet and
unexpectedly pleasant brine scent; Bella, standing nearby, found its presence
oddly comforting. It turned to her with a friendly gesture, and for a moment
she found herself feeling that they should be the best of friends. But then she
shook off the feeling. Wanting to distance herself from its confusing presence,
she went into a rolling tumble that took her between the legs of one of the
merrows and back to her feet on its other side.
kept trying to persuade his friends not to attack the merrows, but to no avail.
Nicki unleashed another Fireball that
covered two of the merrows and the new creature; one of the merrows died,
leaving yet another dead child in its place. Sandoval managed to escape the
grasp of his attacker, but it hit and grabbed him again, pulling him towards the
icy waters of the lake. Koya had conjured a Spritual
Weapon which she now directed against Sandoval’s merrow. Ulf also slashed
with his longsword, and another Erutaki child lay dead in the snow.
new creature strode along the lakeshore and approached Bella, arms
outstretched. Try as she might, Bella could not avoid her, and the thing
enveloped her in what looked like a loving hug. As its arms enveloped her,
Bella began to change. Scales began to grow on her skin, and gill slits opened
in her neck. Sawyer rushed to her aid, attacking with Suishen. A part of Bella
felt as if she were back in her mother’s loving arms, but then she remembered
that her mother had abandoned her as an infant. She thrust her dagger forward
into the heart of the thing embracing her. It looked at her with sad eyes for a
moment, then slid slowly to the ground.
the creature died, the last surviving merrow threw its arms over its head. It
was incapable of human speech, but the sounds it was making could only be sobs.
At last listening to Shinjiro’s entreaties, the party backed slowly away from
the thing that sat huddled in the snow, weeping. It took about an hour, but at
last the curse was lifted, and the merrow transformed back into its original
form, an Erutaki girl of about twelve. Ulf began speaking gently to her in her
own tongue, and gradually pieced together the story of the tragic fate of the
village of Rimakak. Earlier in the autumn, the village had been visited by a “water
spirit” from the lake. It was a qallupilluk, who called herself Arnaalak. To
try to appease the creature, the village invited her to a feast in her honor,
but during the feast one of the young women serving her stumbled and spilled
food all over the qallupilluk. Enraged at the insult, Arnaalak pronounced her
curse upon the village and fled back to the lake. She took her vengeance by
emerging from the lake night after night to steal the children of the village
one by one, using her Curse of Scales to
transform them into merrows, slavishly devoted to her. The villagers searched
in vain for their missing children. When she had transformed most of the
children, Arnaalak led them in an attack on Rimakak. At first the villagers
fought back, but when they realized they were killing their own children, they
lost hope; a few fled into the wilderness, but most allowed themselves to be
by the realization that they had helped to kill the last remaining children of
Rimakak, the party lapsed into a heavy silence. Ameiko wept quietly beside her
wagon, while Koya tried to console her, frequently wiping her own eyes. Ulf
assured them that there was another Erutaki village a few days on where they
could leave the girl to be cared for, but it was small consolation. What other
hard choices would they be forced to make before this journey was over?
PCs gained 3,543 XP, putting them at 42,348 XP, with 51,000 required for level
8. We’ll be at Rich & Joette’s next week.
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