party had reached the deepest depths of Ravenscraeg’s dungeons, and found themselves
locked in mortal combat with the leader of the Frozen Shadows: the oni Kimandatsu
her ninja minions. She had been making it difficult to target her by
disappearing and flying to a new location after each of her attacks, but
Sandoval had solved that problem by coating her with Glitterdust. But she was still well out of reach on one of the
ledges 20’ above the floor of the room.
tried to blast her with a Fireball,
but the magical flames seemed to flow around her without even touching her.
From her perch high above the floor, Kimandatsu focused her evil will on
Shinjiro. For a moment, the monk couldn’t understand why anyone would want to
attack such a charming and powerful creature, but then he shook himself back to
his senses. He and Sawyer were still battling the remaining ninjas. He hammered
one to the floor with a flurry of blows, while Sawyer’s sword was a whirling blur
of steely death, killing one ninja and badly injuring another. Marie, knowing
that the oni was their greatest threat, rushed to Sawyer’s side and cast Fly on the big fighter. “Go get the oni!”
she shouted.
Bella was one step ahead. She’d already used potions to make herself invisible
and flying, and she swooped unseen to a point just above Kimandatsu’s head.
With a cry, she slashed out with rapier and dagger, leaving the huge creature
bleeding badly. But she was visible now, and she’d attracted the oni’s
attention. With a snarl, Kimandatsu unlimbered an enormous club studded with wicked
metal spikes. Sandoval, thinking quickly, cast Grease on the club, but she maintained her grip, and swung
at Bella’s head like Derek Jeter going after a hanging curve ball. She
connected, and Bella bounced off the wall.
tried to hit her with a burst of Empowered
Magic Missiles, but once again the spell fizzled as it reached the oni.
However his summoned Lantern Archon was able to hit her with its light rays.
Sawyer flew up to engage her, but she dodged his sword thrust. By this time,
Bella had managed to clear her head, and she charged in to the attack again,
driving her rapier deep into the oni’s vitals.
far, Nicki had played no role in the combat; he’d taken on Gaseous Form at the outset and had been slowing drifting up towards
Kimandatsu’s position. He finally reached her ledge, and became substantial
directly below Bella’s position. He immediately cast a pair of Empowered Scorching Rays. With a piercing
shriek, Kimandatsu was engulfed in flames, and fell to the floor below with a
bone-shaking thud. Marie’s mace took care of the lone surviving ninja, and the
room fell quiet.
Marie had administered some healing, everyone began searching the bodies and
the room. Among her other possessions, Kimandatsu had a keyring with three
keys; Bella thought one might fit the door to the treasury they’d found, but
the other two were a mystery. In the southeast corner, Marie discovered a
secret door, and Bella quickly moved to check it out. It opened into a dark
corridor, with a noticeable chill. Along the corridor were a pair of heavy
wooden doors, both secured with large locks.
Bella approached the first door, she heard a low growling coming from the other
side. The door itself was covered with a thick layer of frost. A deep, gravelly
voice came from beyond the door: “You have killed the oni – I can smell her
blood! It is good. Release me, and I will not kill you.” Bella decided this was
not a conversation she was interested in having, and moved on down the hall,
but Marie was intrigued. “Who are you?” she asked. “I am Skygni, Lord of the
Steppes!” came the reply. “Release me!” Marie started to reach for the door
handle, but Sandoval grabbed her arm. Prevented for now from seeing who or what
Skygni was, she kept talking. “What are you doing here?” The response was a
snarling growl, like the tearing of heavy canvas. “I was captured by the oni’s
lackeys. She thought to tame me, to force me to do tricks for her like a common
dog. Skygni is no dog! Release me and I will not rip out your throat.” That
seemed like a fair trade to Marie, but Sandoval still held her back.
Marie was chatting with Skygni, Bella had proceeded down the hall to the far
door. The walls and floor were dripping with damp, but there was no frost on
this door, so Bella quietly picked the lock and pushed open the door. Inside
was a dark stone cell that sloped down into a slime-choked pool of water. The
air was thick with a fishy smell, along with the stench of unwashed bodies and
human waste. A filthy, bearded man slumped against one wall, but Ameiko leaned
against the opposite wall! Surprisingly, neither looked up as light spilled
into the room through the open door.
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Blindheim |
Bella stepped into the cell a squat, frog-like creature rose up from the
scum-covered pool. It opened its bulbous eyes, and intense beams of light
washed over Bella, leaving her blinded. The thing leaped out of the water and
snapped at the sightless thief, and she heard another (or possibly many)
splashing out of the pool. She swung blindly, and felt her rapier connect with
flesh, but she had no way of knowing how badly she had hurt her foe, or how
many she faced, so she cried out for help and then fled blindly back down the
hall, bouncing off walls until she collided with Marie. Hearing her voice,
Ameiko looked up hopefully. “Bella – is that you? Beware of the guardians in
the dark!”
rushed down the hallway, and managed to avert his eyes in time to avoid being
blinded himself. He saw a dead blindheim in front of the open door, flanked by
two more, and cast a Color Spray that
stunned one of them. Zhustin moved close enough to cast an Acid Dart on the stunned one. Shinjiro rushed into the room, squinting,
and slammed the active one, which bit him back. Sawyer clenched his eyes closed
and swung at where he hoped the blindheim was, slicing it neatly in half. He
performed a coup de grace on the stunned blindheim, and the cell was clear.
came running when she heard they’d found Ameiko. She quickly performed healing
on Ameiko and the other prisoner, who proved to be the missing Ulf
Gormundr. Marie only had one Remove
Blindness, and she cast it on Ameiko. They turned to leave, but found their
way blocked by an argument between Sandoval, Nicki, and Bella. Nicki and Bella
wanted to open Skygni’s cell, but Sandoval thought that was a monumentally bad
idea. Sandoval finally relented, retreating back into Kimandatsu’s chamber, and
Nicki used one of the oni’s keys to unlock the cell. As soon as the lock
turned, Skygni came bounding out. He was an enormous Winter Wolf, and he leaped
into the
corridor and turned to face the party, hackles raised and teeth bared,
crystals of frost forming from his breath. He and the party faced off for a
long moment, then he backed slowly away. As soon as he exited the hall, he
turned and dashed off, towards the stairs leading up to freedom.
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Skygni |
they waited for Ulf and Bella’s vision to clear, everyone filled Ameiko in on
what had been happening since she’d been kidnapped and what they had discovered
about the Rimerunners’ Guild, the Frozen Shadows, and Kimandatsu’s followers.
When they finished, Ameiko looked at them expectantly. “But did you find Suishen? Kimandatsu taunted me that she
had it, and that it would never threaten the Five Storms again.” The party had
to admit that they had not discovered the Amatatsu family’s ancestral sword. They
knew there was at least one room upstairs they had not explored, but they could
not rule out additional secret rooms they might have missed, so they began
slowly retracing their steps, making sure to thoroughly search every room and
hallway. They found nothing new save for a small hoard of arm rings and gems
that the trolls had buried beneath their pile of coal.
finally returned to the water room. A waterfall poured out of an opening high
in the wall, filling a turbulent pool some 20’ across. There was a ledge on the
far wall with a small wooden cask and a heavy wooden door. Marie cast Water Walk on everyone except Nicki, Ameiko, and Ulf,
but initially only Bella crossed to the other side. The door was locked, and
Bella didn’t see any signs of traps, but the cask had an aspergillum laying on
it, usually used for sprinkling holy water. On a hunch, Bella filled the aspergillum
from the cask, but what came out was certainly not holy water – it was
extremely potent rice wine. Bella looked from the cask to the door a few times,
then shrugged and sprinkled the door with door with sake; better safe than
sorry. She then picked the lock and opened the door.
was a small musty room hewn from the solid
rock. Near the far wall stood a low well, its opening only a foot in diameter. A
winch and chain with a rusty steel bucket hung from the wall above it, and in
the far corner was a pile of old wooden buckets and other debris, rotten and
broken, with several different kinds of fungus growing on their remnants. As
the door opened, a ruddy red glow suddenly shown forth from inside the well.
moved cautiously across the room to peer down into the well. Some 15’ down, a
sword was wedged crossways across the well, flames playing along its blade. She
recognized the sword immediately from her vision back in Brinewall Castle – it was
Suishen! As she turned to call to the
others, a leathery creature dropped from the ceiling and tried to engulf her
head. She managed to bat it away, and it fell to the floor, where it began to
pull itself back towards the wall on short tentacles. Looking up, she saw the
ceiling was writhing with the creatures, all trying to maneuver into position
above her head. Forgetting Suishen
for the moment, she rushed back out of the room and called for help. “I’ve got
this,” Nicki said calmly, and cast one of his pet Flaming Spheres inside the room. He spent a few minutes dribbling
it around the room, bouncing it between floor and ceiling until all of the
Executioner’s Hoods were dead.
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Executioner's Hood |
the room was clear, Zhustin came in and cast a Mage Hand, which had no trouble flying down the well, grasping Suishen by its hilt, and extracting it. Once
they had it, no one was quite willing to take hold of it, so the Hand delivered it to Ameiko,
who gripped it confidently. As she did, a booming voice came from the sword. “At
last! It is good to be back in the hands of a rightful Amatatsu heir,
granddaughter. Now, who will wield me? We have oni to kill! One of the Five
Storms is in this very building! She calls herself Kimandatsu, and she sought
to dispose of me by casting me down that well. As if one could be rid of Suishen so easily. She must pay for her
insult to our family! Come! Who wants the honor of helping me remove her head
from her shoulders?”
mean this head?” asked Nicki, holding up Kimandatsu’s severed head (Nicki had
once again indulged his fetish for decapitation). “Excellent!” Suishen thundered. “I wish you had saved
her for me, but you have done well. As a reward for her death, I will permit you
the use of one of my special powers. But now, who will carry me? We have many
more oni to kill. The Five Storms have been systematically wiping out all the
royal families of Minkai, and I suspect by now they have killed the emperor
himself. We will have to defeat them all if we are to place granddaughter in
her rightful place on the Jade Throne. Who is worthy of wielding Suishen, Guardian of the Amatatsu?”
exchanged looks. No one was quite sure what it would mean to wield Suishen, and the sword’s personality was
a little … forceful. At last Sawyer took a deep breath, and extended his hand.
Ameiko handed him the sword. Sawyer felt as if Suishen were looking him up and down skeptically. “Hmmph,” it
finally snorted. “I suppose you are … marginally
worthy.” With a flash of insight, Sawyer suddenly understood all the powers of Suishen – at least all the powers it was
willing to let him use. He sensed that the sword was keeping something in
reserve, waiting for him to prove himself.
party prepared to leave Ravenscraeg, at least for now. They needed to retrieve
Lute Haggersly from his hidey hole upstairs and return him to Kalsgard. And
they planned to return with Sandru and one of the wagons to haul out all the fortress’s
loot. Ulf had readily agreed to lead them over the Crown of the World, although
he warned that an off-season expedition would be very dangerous – and expensive.
But they had Suishen, they had
Ameiko, and they had a mission: to crown a new Empress of Minkai!
is the end of book two, Night of Frozen Shadows. The PCs
earned 4,800 XP for the night, putting them at 33,719 XP. 35,000 XP are
required for level 7, and you should reach that next week, so start looking at
your next level up. We’ll be at Rich & Joette’s next week, and Roger will
be on call.
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