party completed all their preparations in Sandpoint, and set off on their
journey to Brinewall Castle. The weather was beautiful, and the first day
passed pleasantly. About midday the next day, the party heard hoofbeats on the
road behind them. Looking back, they saw three men cantering up the road. The
man in the lead wore plate armor and had a large mace slung beside his saddle,
while his two companions wore chain and carried crossbows and short swords.
leader rode to the front of the caravan and reined up in front of the lead
team, effectively blocking the wagon’s path. His men took positions on either
side of the caravan; they didn’t draw their weapons, but their crossbows lay
across their laps. “Who is the master of this caravan?” the leader demanded in
a thick Chelish accent.
am Sandru Vhiski, and this is my caravan,” Sandru replied warily.
wish to interrogate your crew,” the man said haughtily.
propped one leg up on the wagon seat and gave a chuckle. “Well I wish I had a
wagon full of gold, but that don’t mean I’m going to get it.”
stranger sighed. “I’m afraid I misspoke. I am Raul Desjartel,
Inquisitor for House Thrune,
and I will
question your men regarding the murder of Baron l’Fontaigne, royal scion of House
Thrune of Cheliax.” Nicki swore quietly under his breath and tried to look
inconspicuous, while Sawyer quietly pulled the hood of his cloak up over his
head and loosened his sword in its scabbard.
![]() |
Raul Desjartel |
squinted at the man for a long moment, then gave a weary sigh. “Oh very well,
but be quick about it. We’ve got a long way to travel yet today.” He stood on
his wagon seat and called back along the caravan, “Everyone fall out!”
dismounted and walked towards the group assembling beside the wagons, but then noticed
Nicki sitting next to Sandru on the front wagon. He did a double-take and his
mouth dropped open in amazement. “Lord Genterre? Is that you? When your captors
eluded the trap your grandfather’s men had set for them and made off with the
ransom, most feared you were dead, but your grandfather sent your portrait to
all of the inquisitors, along with an offer of a very generous reward for your safe return. Are these Sczarni
scum responsible for your kidnapping?”
stammered out his story about being a look-alike stand-in for the unfortunate young
Lord Genterre, but Desjartel wasn’t buying it. “Your grandfather is part of a
very important House, and I would be remiss in my duties if I did not do everything
in my power to rescue his grandson. We’ll just bring you to him and let him decide if you’re really his grandson
or not.” Nicki jumped down off the wagon, continuing to plead his case, but the
inquisitor had already dismissed him, and was intent on the caravan crew assembling
in front of him.
was loitering behind Marie, head down, but Desjartel spotted him immediately,
and pointed his hand crossbow at him. “That man! The one with the scars on his
face! He’s the one we’re looking for!” His toadies rode forward, crossbows pointed
at Sawyer.
turned to Sandru, “This man robbed and murdered Baron l’Fontaigne in Magnimar.
His accomplice has admitted to the crime, and has identified him as the
murderer. We shall return him to Cheliax to stand trial and be executed for his
"I didn't rob anybody!" Sawyer protested.
"You see," Desjartel said smugly, "he doesn't deny the murder!"
stood up in her seat and spoke with authority. “I am Lady Ameiko Kaijitsu, head
of House Kaijitsu, and this man is in my service. The crime you describe
happened in Varisa, and whether he’s guilty or not, he should face Varisian
justice. Cheliax has no authority in Varisia!”
gave a heavy sigh, and rolled his eyes at his toadies. “They’ll give out titles
to anyone in this backwards country,” he murmured, then bowed elaborately to
Ameiko. “Forgive me, your ladyship. I am sure that you come from a proud and
noble House, with many tens of years
of tradition. However, I am afraid that you are somewhat ill-informed on
matters of international relations. In point of fact, there is a treaty between
Varisia and Cheliax that states that any and all crimes committed in Varisia
against members of the royal houses of Cheliax will be treated as if they
occurred in Cheliax, and be subject to Chelish law. If you wish, you may
journey to Korvosa, and petition your
government to renounce this treaty, in the hope they would be willing to risk
war with the most powerful nation on earth for the sake of a backwater ‘Lady’
and her murderous sellsword. Men – put this man in chains!”
stepped up behind the inquisitor and placed his hand on his shoulder. “You don’t
really need to take me back with you,” he said quietly, and at the same time
delivered a Corrupting Touch.
Desjartel staggered back, drawing his mace. He drew in a deep breath, and then unleashed
an insulting tirade so vicious and spiteful that everyone near him felt their
skin blister, and Koya, Sandru, and Sawyer actually burst into flames! Koya and
Sandru dropped to the ground and began rolling around, trying to extinguish the
flames, but Sawyer ignored them and charged into battle.
and Shinjiro flanked the inquisitor, while Sawyer and Marie went after his
nearest toady. The toadies remained on horseback, galloping around the party
and firing their crossbows (wildly, as it turned out). Bella drew her own bow
and began returning fire. Sandoval tried to Dazzle
first the inquisitor and then a toady with a Flare, but soon determined that tactic was useless, and drew his
own bow. Ameiko began singing a song to help the party overcome the inquisitor’s
spells and put out their flames, and then turned her attention to helping Koya,
who was still burning. Marie began dispensing healing as the party continued to
attempted to cast Hold Person on
Sawyer, but he resisted, and stepped up to engage his would-be captor.
Surrounded by foes, the inquisitor died, and one of his toadies fell at almost
the same time. The remaining horseman turned and tried to gallop away,
undoubtedly to report to his superiors. Bella took careful aim and buried an arrow
between his shoulder blades.
party searched the inquisitor and his men; they found a letter describing the
suspect in Baron L’Fontaigne’s murder as “a tall lean man, with long blond or
white hair and multiple long scars upon his face”. They also found a sketch of
someone who looked remarkably like “Nicki”, identified as Lord Roderick
Genterre. A reward of 5000 GP was offered for his safe return. There was some
joking (?) discussion of turning Nicki in for the reward, but Sawyer put a
quick end to that discussion. Someone started to wonder why Sawyer was wanted for murder, but another dark look put an end to that line of inquiry as well. Desjartel and his men were left in shallow graves
in the woods, and the caravan continued on, Sawyer now mounted on a fine new
next ten days passed without incident, although the party continued to look
over their shoulders with concern. The caravan travelled to Galduria, then Wolf’s
Ear, then on to Ravenmoor, stopping at each town to trade and replenish
supplies. At Ravenmoor, they took a ferry across the Lampblack River, then
turned west, following the fast-flowing Chevali
River towards the town of Roderic’s Cove, where Sandru planned to cross
the river and head back north again.
they entered the outskirts of Roderic’s Cove, they heard a bell ringing, and
saw black smoke billowing from a large building at the river’s edge. “That’s
the Riverside Inn!” Sandru shouted, and the party rushed forward. They found
the back wing of the inn in flames. Several citizens had formed a bucket
brigade, hauling water from the river to dowse the flames, but despite their
efforts, the fire was spreading. The wind was blowing sparks towards a stable
next door, threatening to ignite a pile of hay bales stacked along the side of
the stable.
Shinjiro, and Bella rushed to the stable and began carrying away the bales of
straw, while Zhustin cast Ray of Frost on the hay and the side of the stable to try
to prevent it from catching fire. The rest of the party, along with Sandru,
Ameiko, and Koya went to form additional bucket brigades. Once all the straw
had been moved, Sawyer, Shinjiro, and Bella also joined in, while Zhustin
redirected his Frost spells against the burning inn. Sawyer asked if anyone was
still inside; in all the confusion, no one was sure, so he tried to enter the
burning building to search for victims, but was immediately overcome by smoke
himself, and Bella had to pull him out.
as it seemed that they might be stopping the fire’s spread, a woman’s scream
split the air. “Jane! My little Jane has fallen into the river!” A
five-year-old girl had been helping fill buckets at the river’s edge, and had
toppled in, and was now being carried off by the current. “She’s being swept
toward the falls!” Sandru cried. Sure enough, the party looked downstream, and
saw that just a few hundred feet away the river disappeared over a large
of the party was still wearing armor, and knew that by the time they got it off
to try to swim, little Jane would be beyond rescue. Shinjiro was not, and he
leapt into action, sprinting down the riverbank to a position just ahead of
Jane. Bella followed, and tossed Shinjiro her grappling hook as he dove into
the water, then played out the rope as Shinjiro tried to swim out to the girl.
At first, Shinjiro made good progress, but the current and undertow were strong,
and he quickly began to tire. He seemed to be getting no closer to the little
girl, and they both were being carried ever closer to the fatal falls. At
almost the last moment, he made a superhuman effort, which brought him just
close enough to wrap his arm around the half-drowned child. Bella began hauling
on the rope, and soon Shinjiro and Jane were both panting on the shore.
this time, the group back at the inn had managed to get the fire under control,
and while the back part of the inn was a smoldering ruin, the blaze was out. As
people began to catch their breath, the innkeeper’s wife began to call out,
“Isabelle! Isabelle! Where is Isabelle? I can’t find Isabelle!” Isabelle, they
learned, was the owners’ 15-year old daughter, and no one could remember seeing
her since the fire started. The party searched the smoky ruins of the inn,
fearing the worst, but no bodies were found.
father, Roush Marssanz, was adamant that he knew what happened. “It’s
that damned Stark kid. No good, low-life, sneak thief – he’s always sniffing
around after my daughter. I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t listen. This
morning I caught them whispering to each other out back, and I gave him a good
thrashing, and told him if he ever came back, I’d kill him! Now he’s gone and
burned down my inn and kidnapped my daughter!” The mother chimed in. “I don’t
know what she sees in that awful boy. I told her and told her he’s no good, but
will she listen to her mother?”
this time, The sheriff of Roderic’s Cove, a corpulent man named Rossing,
had arrived, and he began asking cursory questions: “What started the fire?”
(“That Stark kid, of course!”). “Where did it start?” (Not sure yet.) “Was
anyone hurt and is anyone else missing?” This last question caused a bit of
confusion as people started counting noses and taking inventory. Finally the
barmaid asked “Where’s that scribe fella? He was here this morning, but I don’t
see him around now.”
innkeeper was demanding action from the Sheriff. About that time, the stable
master came running up. “Sheriff! Two of my horses are missing!” That made the
innkeeper explode. “Dammit Sheriff, you bring that kid back here, and we’ll
save the city the expense and hang him ourselves!” Several of his neighbors
muttered darkly in agreement.
Sheriff tried to calm the crowd that was threatening to turn into a mob, then
motioned the party over to him. He was sweating copiously, and wiped his brow and
neck with a large red cloth. “This is a bad situation here, but we’re a bit
strapped for men at the moment. We have two known smuggler ships come into port
this morning, and I need every man I got to keep watch on the waterfront or
they’ll steal the merchants blind. I know Roush has his blood in a boil, but I
have to tell you I’m not convinced the girl didn’t run off with young Stark of
her own free will. You all look like a capable group – if you could see your
way free to help figure out what happened here, and find out where the girl
went, well, the city could probably reimburse you 200 gold for your time and
trouble. And just between us, if the girl comes home but Mr. Stark were to make
his escape, I think everyone might be the happier.” He gave the party a little
more background on the Stark boy. “Jerrol
Stark lives down in the Cove. His mother died when he was a baby, and
he was raised by his dad, a barkeep at the Drunken Crab. Dad died a couple of
years ago though, and the boy’s been on his own since. Been in my jail a few
times – fighting and petty theft mostly – but he’s not really a bad kid, as
Cove kids go.” He also offered the party
the services of a local hunter to serve as a tracker if they pick up any trail.
Marssanz and his wife found out the party was going to investigate their
daughter’s disappearance, they also offered a reward. “We’re simple folk, and
we don’t have much, but if you can bring our Isabelle back to us, we’ll give
you what we can. My old granddad had a couple of magical knickknacks from his
adventuring days that have been gathering dust in the cellar – they’re yours if
you can find Isabelle. And if you bring that Stark brat back – dead or alive –
I’ll throw in a hundred gold.”
party began speculating on where a 17-year old might go if he was running away
with his 15-year old girlfriend. Since he was a local boy, it seemed likely he’d
take her back to familiar ground, somewhere in the slums of the Cove, but that
wouldn’t explain why they’d need horses. Maybe they was planning to run off
somewhere together? They might be planning to cross the river and head north.
But why set fire to the inn?
party began looking around the burned out portion of the inn. They determined
that the fire appeared to have started in a room above the kitchen. When they
asked if anyone had been staying in that room, they learned that it had been
rented to the missing scribe. That piqued their interest, and they asked more
about him. “He was that fella what came in last night,” the barmaid told them. “What
was his name? Oh yeah – Vasharian. Said he was a travelling scribe - you know,
writes up contracts or wills, or writes letters for people what can’t write
themselves. Although you’d have to be pretty desperate to spend much time
cooped up in a room dictating letters to that guy. He had a stink on him! Whew!
Figured we’d have to wash out his room with lye. Guess we won’t have to worry
about that now.” When asked, she said that he’d arrived on foot.
then began asking neighbors whether anyone had seen anyone take off with the missing
horses. Most people hadn’t noticed anything, but one fellow scratched his beard
in thought. “Yeah, I saw someone riding off just before the fire started.
Couldn’t tell who it was, but they were hell bent for leather. They weren’t on
the road, though – they looked like they were headed toward the trail that
skirts between the coast and the Churlwood, south towards the mountains.” He
said there had actually been two riders, several minutes apart, but they were
too far away for him to give any kind of description.
this time the promised tracker had arrived, and they examined the area where
the neighbor reported seeing the riders. He had no trouble spotting fresh
hoofprints cutting south across the fields to the south of the road. He said
there were two horses, running at a full gallop, headed south. Ameiko and Sandru
shared a worried look, but said nothing other than to volunteer to join in the
search for the missing girl, as did Koya. Borrowing extra horses from the
willing stable master, the group set off to follow the track.
party earned 771 XP for their exploits, putting them at 3512 XP, with 5000
required for Level 3. We’ll be at Rich & Joette’s next week.
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