March 30, 2015

Katiyana's Demise

Having reached the top of the Storm Tower, the party found themselves engaged in a battle royale with Katiyana, disciple of the demon lord Sithhud. She expounded on some nefarious plot to use the power of the Storm Tower, along with the strange monoliths she had scattered across the arctic, to control the morozkos, the Hungry Storms, to send them to batter the warm lands of the south and bring glory to her demon lord. But the party couldn’t really care less about her mad schemes – they just wanted to survive the encounter.

March 23, 2015

Mistress of the Storm

Following Nicki’s unprovoked attack on the crysmals that were tending the crystalline “mainframe” of the Storm Tower, the group found themselves under psychic attack from the scorpion-like creatures. Two had already fallen to their blows, but four more still remained.

March 16, 2015

The Storm Tower

Trying to find the source of the undead infestation that was blocking their path across the Crown of the World, the party had stumbled upon a long, black road that led them to an incredibly tall hexagonal tower jutting up out of a lake of vile black slush at the foot of the Alabastrine Peaks. The tower was taller than any building they’d ever seen before, easily 300’ tall, and seemed to be made of the same black, seamless stone as the road they’d followed. Whatever lost race had constructed it must have rivaled the power of the fabled Thassilonians of yore.

March 2, 2015

The Long Black Road

The party had encountered a wide area of foul black slush oozing up through the ice pack. Not wanting to risk contact with the possibly poisonous substance, they’d devised a strategy of casting Water Walk on their yaks and all the non-flying party members in order to get across. Unfortunately, just as they’d begun crossing, they’d been ambushed by a trio of Chardas, who seemed to take no issue with the muck. One of the four-armed creatures had already put Sandru on the ground, and another was slicing up Nicki.